updated pics of the 55g


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I meant all the green algae on the glass....but let me guess you're gonna say its the combo of the light and the pic quality that makes it look that way XD

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
lol no i just didnt know if you seen that algae. lol its barely noticeable. after i put the otos in there they ate a lot but still havent ate all. i need 5 more oto's and another centerpiece fish. i dont know what though. maybe i could do a female dwarf gourami. hmm. ive never kept 2 dwarf gouramis but many say that they have had success

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
WOW I like your avatar. That's a good pic. I can find females. There are enough places. What do you think do 3:1 ratio or would 2:1 be fine? I've got room to do 3 more but i've also been contemplating getting like a school of like 5 tetras, like lemon or x-ray priscella.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Ok, here are some that I just took. I know you may not notice a difference at first, BUT, I snipped off some 3" Anarchis plantlets and replanted them. I've also rearranged a little bit with the Anarchis. I can't wait until they are fully grown in and it is thick of Anarchis on the back area behind the skull. I moved the Aponthegen a little to the right. I also pulled the Mondo Grass out. I'm getting ready to go and get 2 banana plants. I'm going to put one just to the left of the skull in front of it to the side and then one in front of the castle.

Sorry some of these pics are blurry, there was too much movement going on in the tank. It is extremely active in there now with the fish I have. If I can get things to be still for a moment I can get great pics. I need a better camera. I do gotta say though the blurry ones with the neons are kinda cool.


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Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
my oh my its been a couple months since ive been on. work has been so busy lately.

well since my last update i have moved and the move went alright but it killed most of my java fern and anarchis. my java fern is slowly gaining traction and starting to grow, amazingly moving the amazon sword for some reason has started to get really big (possibly because of mixing up the substrate and resetting up), the aponthegen is doing the same, and all fish made it.

i have gotten rid of some fish because of size and aggression. ive went more of a peaceful tank setting. i will be keeping my rainbow shark so him and the loaches will eat all the molly, neon, platy, and swordtail fry so i dont become overpopulated. plus he is not that aggressive.

over the last 2 weeks ive picked up lots of sagittaria subulata, a banana plant, and 2 more bunches of anarchis. ive also picked up 1 molly and 4 platies, which i dont know if i could identify just yet because they are still quite small, i also got a albino bristlenose pleco to help control some of my algae. my otos arent keeping up. since ive had him for a couple days the algae is already starting to decrease.

soon i will be giving away my gourami because of an intestinal disease that i cant seem to get rid of so i am going to donate him and then i am going to get 1-2 more female swordtails and maybe a couple black neons.

im waiting to find some watersprite around town then im going to grab a plant of that.

well ill try and get some new updated pics of the tank up soon to show the changes.

also hi to all i havent talked to for a couple months

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
showing some of the microsword in 1.

are those sunburst platies in pic 2,4,5? and what are the white platies does anyone know or could they identify for me?


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Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
If you are talking about the last pic you posted, and the lone fish I can see, it's not a molly - it's a platy. ;) It looks to me like a susnet platy with spotting, and I'm not sure of exactly what that kind is called.
really?? i dont really care either way because i was trying to do a mix of them. i dont know a huge about either of them besides some of the reading ive done. i would like to identify them so i can do lots more reading.

well not going to be buying anymore mollies or platies. dont want a thousand of them showing up. really i just wanted to get a peaceful assortment of colorful schooling fish and ive accomplished my goal. i do want to get 1 more female swordtail but that will probably be the end. im happy with what ive got and have a decent balance going on with plants starting to do fairly well. the anarchis, banana plant, sag, and micro sword are new. my java fern is starting to come back after my move and the moss is slowly spreading in different areas