I purchased a Paradise fish this evening and added him to My 10 gallon with my Acei cichlid and my corys and pleco, the Peppered corys were gonna last much longer and the acei and Pleco will be going into my new tank im getting for christmas and the paradise fish only come in once a year in a Pair (male and Female) so i seized the oppourtunity and got him, i brought him home and everything seemed fine, i checked on him every hour for 3 more hours, still the same. I came home 3 hours later and The acei was chasing him and the extensions on his tail Fin were gone and it looks a lil shredded up, i moved him to my 5 gallon with my betta and 2 gourami's. When i save up the money il move him back into my other 2.5 gallon tank. I was wondering, Will his fins every grow back smooth (can i add some protein fin fixing supplement or something to fix it) or will they never be right again because i know that my male guppys fins got tore once and they never healed he died with shredded fins. Can someone please give some advice?