40 Gallon


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank plus stand and accessories (hood, lights, python, fish food, heater, thermometer) . For $150 (CDN), which I think is pretty good. Plus the setup is only 6 months old. Originally it did include a filter and air pump but I didn't want the one fish (discus) that was in the tank so by not taking the fish I gave up the filter and air pump.

My game plan for this tank is to move my tetra's and kuhli loaches from my 16 gallon. Then move my dwarf puffer into the 16 gallon and get him some girlfriends (1male:3female ratio) and also add some otos.

So I'm looking for any suggestions for additions to my 40 gallon that are compatible with my tetra's and loaches. Plus a betta (because I really want one).


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I think it'd be cool to add in 3 Flame Dwarf Gouramis, i know alot of people say its bad to mix bettas and gouramis but ive had mine together for almost a month with no agression.
Then you're lucky. I wouldn't chance this ever, it's a bad idea.

I'd steer clear personally, you don't want a divider in your tank they just become a hassle and an ugly one at that.

You could have a really nice community tank here. I'd definitely get some corydoras for the bottom, and maybe look into getting one of the small pleco species (so rubberlip/bristlenose/bulldog), or maybe even a few otos like you're planning for your puffer set-up.

Btw, on that note, I've heard a few say species-only with puffers, someone may come along and correct me but I do wonder if they'd be boisterous towards the otos? As I said someone correct me if I'm wrong I've never kept puffers :)

I'm trying to think of something bigger as a centrepiece that'll work with the betta.. hmm. May have to get back to you on that one.

Oh and glowlights are one of my favourite tetras - they're so pretty when they're healthy but so many people overlook them! :)


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I agree that a divider is a bad idea, and that i am lucky with my betta gourami mix. I may be wrong about the compatibility but maybe a small school of the Black Skirted Tetra's would make a nice centerpiece. They are very cool looking and very active as well.

Feb 27, 2009
Btw, on that note, I've heard a few say species-only with puffers, someone may come along and correct me but I do wonder if they'd be boisterous towards the otos? As I said someone correct me if I'm wrong I've never kept puffers :)
I agree with you, misterking.

If it is the dwarf freshwater puffer, otos are fine. With other fish, it is hit/miss if they will be fin-nipped by the puffer, but they seem to universally accept/ignore otos.

Dwarf Puffers : Home

There is a section on 'tankmates' on their website.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Male betta+community=bad idea.
I've known too many people (myself included) who have tried it and failed miserably. It's an especially bad idea with tetras, who are notoriously nippy. I had one male betta in with some platies (which are generally considered "betta safe" as they don't nip very much) and that male was miserable. His colors washed out completely from stress and he didn't live another two months after I moved him out of the community tank (he wasn't that old to begin with).
Also, I've heard (and someone can correct me if I'm wrong) that multiple gouramis is a bad idea as well unless you have more females than males (and in the commercial aquaria hobby, females are notoriously difficult to aquire).


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Oh I know about keeping Puffers in a species only tank....I wasn't suggesting of sticking my puffer with anything but other dwarf puffers. I was referring to the ratio factor to keep everyone happy....1 male to 3 females. Pretty much the only two tanks mates that I would ever attempt are otos and shrimp (which are now dismissed because my puffer likes them to much...if you get my meaning.)

I didn't know that about Bettas. Too bad maybe another time, another tank.
Maybe for my 40 gallon it's best to stick to tetra's and danio's...both of which I really like.

16 gallon - DP Tank
40 gallon - community with tetra's, kuhli loaches and danio's

Oh and glowlights are one of my favourite tetras - they're so pretty when they're healthy but so many people overlook them!
I really like them as well plus they go with my neon tetra's since they both have the "glow" to them.

I'd steer clear personally, you don't want a divider in your tank they just become a hassle and an ugly one at that.
Good to know. I had a divider made of plexi glass or something similar that my dad drilled holes in and it didn't turn gross but I don't think I had it in long enough for it to become so.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I think a really good gourami that works in groups is the pearl gourami. For me they're one of the prettiest gouramis around and definitely one of the most peaceful. They can get a bit shy, but in a group of maybe 1 male to 2/3 females they become much more confident. Worth looking into, I love them.

Otherwise for a centrepiece, you could try a pair of kribensis or other dwarf cichlid.

Losing the betta certainly opens up your possibilities for a centrepiece as so many good centrepieces either pick on them or are not compatible with them.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Dwarf puffers don't mind living in single species groups as long as they have enough space and coverage (hiding places, plants, etc). Some people would say that to start 5 gals (minimum) for 1 DP and then add 3 gals (minimum) per additional DP. As well as you need to keep a 1 male to 3 females ratio to keep the peace.

I don't know enough about other puffers to comment on that. But on several of the puffer and dwarf puffer forums I have haunted many keepers have kept multiple puffers in a tank. Of course they have provided the right environment for the fishes to be happy and healthy.

But that being said puffers have very unique personalities like any fish and some are more compatible to live in a group than others.

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Awesome thanks for the help they are fun little fish they greet you and stuff I think they are great I am looking into making up a brackish tank for one, also is there a way to sex them?

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Ive wanted another puffer ever sese i returned my GSP, whats the minumum tank you'd keep 1 in or is it better to have more than one?
Unless you've got a spare tank which you can devote entirely to either a single puffer (in the case of the larger species) or a single species (i.e, no tankmates) for dwarf puffers, then I'd forget it.

A small group (2/3) of dwarf puffers can be kept in a minimum of 10 gallon. But tankmates are not a good idea. You couldn't put them in with your gouramis or betta for example, it'd be carnage.

Therefore I'd forget it for now. Larger species need much larger living quarters.

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