About to bloom!

My Aponogeton ulvaceus is about to bloom :) Last time I saw it bloom was around March or April and now it has a bloom that has made it to the top of the water. The one that made it to the top is actually the second one, the first little bloom-stalk I have hasn't grown as quickly and I have a few new leaf sprouts :)

Exciting to me!



Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
@Mercedes: Well, whatever you are doing is the right thing - my goodness, but the leaves I saw in your pics today show very happy plants.
Tell me about this frog of yours . . . . I guess we should start a new thread . . . . .

@Mercedes: Well, whatever you are doing is the right thing - my goodness, but the leaves I saw in your pics today show very happy plants.
Tell me about this frog of yours . . . . I guess we should start a new thread . . . . .
I'm quite happy with this plant, it had starting wilting? about two months ago, I trimmed it down and it regrew like crazy -- so it's nice to know it's healthy. I had some tiger lotus (I believe they are) super healthy crazy plant I trimmed them, they never came back :(

On the ulvaceus most of the leaves are really good, maybe 1-2 at the bottom (small ones) have pinholes in them, lack of some nutrition I assume but it keeps growing...

And a frog?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
OMG. I thought I was looking at pics that you posted - there was an adorable aquatic frog - now I can't find the thread. It was one of you all regulars though. There was a dead leaf in the pic that the OP commented on???
Sigh. Getting old, going insane.
Anyway, sorry Mercedes - didn't mean to hijack your post!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Oh my that was my photo! My silly frog, by a dead leaf. It's under "other aquatic" I believe.

You are too funny :)

I just want this darn thing to bloom so I can post a new photo!
Gack - you trickster! You made me doubt my sanity. Grrr, I knew it was you.
Soooo, tell me about this froggie of yours?
And for ceiling cat's sake, start a new froggie thread for me old fingers, kthxbai.

thats cool what kind of lighting does your tank have?
Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights

That link is the light, the 24" and it has the two 6700k compact fluorescent bulbs instead of the one fluorescent and one actinic, which is for saltwater.

Also, I just leave one bulb on throughout the day; 8am to 10pm, sometimes if I'm watching it I will turn both on for extra brightness. And I also have direct sunlight coming onto the tank from around 6pm to 7pm which I usually turn the lights off for that.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
it will look cool when its all bright white and open above the water line :)
I have seen it once with my aponogetons.

idk why but when we plant-keepers see one of our plants (or more) flower, it makes us proud somehow :D