Elephant nose fish...does anyone know about them


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
achase, I love your new sig. Perfect summary of the philosophy of the '5 or 6 people' who post regularly . . . .

Fishman, stop spazzing. Misterking has spent soooo much time answering your questions even after others realized that you would change your mind in two hours anyway. It's not that we 'don't like you' - you are just really ADD.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Fishman, there are very few "regulars" who post up here nowadays, and I'm pretty sure for those older regulers who lurk and read posts and chip in every now and then don't post because the question has been answered.

If everyone on the forum were to answer one of your threads you'd probably have thousands of posts saying more or less the same thing. I do agree with Laura though, lots probably read your posts and see the huge flurry of ideas and just haven't got the patience to sit there and absorb it all, we all have our own lives to get on with beyond the forum and we can't always put in the time necessary to take in a totally new thread with a thousand ideas in it.

What I do think though is that this is a forum where quite similar people can talk on a much more personal level due to the smaller numbers of posters, and I prefer it to places like fishlore and PFK where it's very rare you find people as welcoming and friendly as the likes of Laura, Mercerdes, Paige, OC, achase, Thyra (who again has put a LOT of time into tracking your plans), and I guess myself, etc etc etc.

And the reason I prefer it? At least here you get an honest answer.

Anyway, I'm off to move house, and probably won't be on for a few days depending on how quickly I get internet set up.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Fishman, the reason - hopefully - that everyone doesn’t respond to all of your whims about stocking etc. is they don’t necessarily know the answer or have any experience. I noticed a couple of times you chimed in with advice to others when I wondered where you got the expertise to make such a statement. I read the forums and learn from that, but I also compare responses and when they widely differ, I do more research. I have no intention of breeding bettas, but when you decided to, I spent hours looking for that thread (journal) someone kept so you could read it and see what they all went through. You never responded to whether you even looked at it.

I do not know your family situation or why you don’t have a bigger aquarium. Your mother may have any number of reasons for stalling on this. My son just offered me his 70g tank which his wife had removed from a wall so she could have a closet put there and I told him there is no place in our house that could support the weight. Even given the tank, can you just imagine what it would cost to set it up? I just stuck $45 into giving my betta a 2 ½ g home and I’ll have to admit the upkeep is more difficult than the 99cent bowl from Goodwill he lived in and he blew a lot more bubbles then.

I never gave you any advise on fish. Mostly I didn’t know those you named and I would look them up and so I actually learned from you. You did lose quite a few fish in the time I have known you (the Paradise Fish was a disaster that apparently only lasted a couple of hours because of a bad decision) In spite of everything, I will miss you if you go away. Sincerely, Thyra


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Well OC directly told me threw a PM that he didnt like me, i figured that neither did the rest of the forum except the few that posted reguarly, now i see why they didnt. Im sorry for this outburst AGAIN :( if you would like me to leave i will and i wont be posting again until OC says he'l give me another chance.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Just a note, Fishman...REALLY look at FishLore's stocking advice. Most of them say the same thing we do. True, they don't particularly care for AqAdvisor 'cuz it can be a but off about some things, but for the most part AqAdvisor is a great TOOL. Notice the way I say "tool"? That's because you shouldn't rely solely on it. Just because it *says* an angelfish would be fine in a 20gal doesn't necessarily mean that a 20gal is the best possible home for an angelfish (unless it's a temporary breeding setup). I like FishLore and will take some of my stocking questions there to see what kind of different answers I can get, but if you were to put up some of the questions you've put up here, I would be willing to bet you'd get the same exact (or close enough) answers there as you have here.

I, for one, don't particularly care if I hurt someone's feelings with my advice. You are providing care for a living creature that depends on you for EVERYTHING and as such should attempt to provide the very best care for that creature, not what you want or what you think looks cool or whatever. To give you a non-fish analogy...my dog is dog-reactive and very territorial. I would love to have another dog. However, I know that if I was to get another dog, I would have to be VERY careful about what I got (age, sex, breed, etc) because of what my dog reacts to. Granted, I would LOVE to go rescue an adult border collie or greyhound, but I know I can't because Cash wouldn't tolerate a new big dog. Not only that, but I live on 1/3 of an acre with a 3.5' fence that I'm extremely lucky my dog has no desire to jump, even though he could without much effort (he's a 65lbs aussie/st bernard mix and can flat jump into the back of my 4X4 pickup with the tailgate up). Same thing applies for fish...just because you want it does not mean it will work with your setup or with the fish you have right now, and you should recognize that and want what is best for the fish.

Feb 27, 2009
Well OC directly told me threw a PM that he didnt like me, i figured that neither did the rest of the forum except the few that posted reguarly, now i see why they didnt. Im sorry for this outburst AGAIN :( if you would like me to leave i will and i wont be posting again until OC says he'l give me another chance.
Fishman1995 - I don't recall telling you directly that I didn't like you, but after your paradise fish killing incident, perhaps I did.

Do what you want (you will no matter what anyone says). Post here, don't post here, doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

My mistake for even responding to your inquiry that started this thread about the Gnathonemus petersii. I only saw that someone was asking for information from someone else with firsthand knowledge. I loved my elephantnoses, and wanted to share my experience in keeping them. Once I finish my degree and move (again) and buy a house, I'll likely keep them again.

Let's keep the 'drama' out of the forum and just agree to disagree on fishkeeping eh?

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Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I dont wont to sound mean but i didnt ask could i, i said im going to. I have found a new forum site that doesnt base all its stuff off aqadvisor and actually has the same mindset as me, you all seem to not be so "thrilled" with me and my plans so i took them to another forum called Fislore. they will be the ones i ask about stocking :) i of course still will ask questions here to but i like Fishlore
The experts here do not base their findings off of Aqadvisor. They are experts for a reason. They have many, many years of experience keeping and breeding all different types of fish and just because they don't agree that you should mix a lot of incompatible species, like platies and barbs, with a betta in a tiny 5 gallon doesn't mean that they give bad advice.

We spend a lot of time helping people on this forum, whether they'll listen to us or not. I still have 40 pages of History to read, 50 pages of English to read, 100 Calculus problems and a Spanish lecture on art history to analyze and yet I sincerely care about the people on this forum and their fish to post when I have so many other things I could be doing.

Don't beat us up because take the time to give you our sincere, honest advice even when we know you likely won't listen to it.

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