ammonia problem

Feb 27, 2009
Most common reason for the pH to drop is increases in disolved organic compounds. This can be from fish waste, plants decaying, driftwood releasing tannins, etc.

How much water are you CHANGING (not just topping off due to evaporation) on a weekly basis?

Other possiblities are CO2 being added, and some chemicals that temporarily alter the pH.

I have not done a water change in 3 days now because test levels where ok and it was a 50% change. I did find a half rotted leaf in the tank floating around this morning and im missing a neon. I never noticed him missing till today because I was away for a few days and got home this morning and done a count and one was missing. will dead fish caus the ph to drop? I am only using prime and cycle as far as chemicals go and I have increased the water temp to remove some ick on some fish. would increased water temp lower ph?? Should I preform a water change now and if so should I do a 50% or a 25% change??

Never mind about the missing neon my wife took it out the other day was stuck to the filter intake tube. I guess when the ammonia spiked it affected some fish more then others. The ammonia is 0 and nitrate is 10 and nitrite is 0.8 then I done a 50% water change im going to do new tests now.

Feb 27, 2009
Jest tested water again and all levels are the same and like I mentioned the ph is 5.5. I really don’t know why because there is no dead fish no decaying plants and im not using chemicals jest prime and cycle.
Neither Prime nor Cycle will lower your pH.

What test kit are you using to measure you pH?

What is the pH of the water you are using for water changes?

Are you vacuuming the gravel when you do the water changes?

It is a Hagen Nutrafin liquid ph(4.5-9.0) test kit. yes I vac the gravel every time I change the water. The ph from the water I am using out of my tap is 6.5 on the ph now I also add a bit of salt would that cause it ??? I tested it again like 5 min ago and still at 5.5. I would like to try to get the ph back up naturally if possible or should I get a ph increasing additive or a stabilizer????

No I bought my salt from walmart. but I was talking to a local fish store that have been in bassness for over 26 years and I was mentioning to him about my ick problem and he mentioned to make sure that I add salt to my water when changing and increase the temp and that should get rid of the ick.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I don't know that I should get into this, but everything I have read says the temp takes care of it not the salt. Do a lot of reading and then make your decision.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I've heard both ways on the salt deal. Four ways actually. Some say the salt is useless. Some say it helps with the ick. Some say it doesn't help with the ick but helps the fish feel more comfortable or something like that. Others say forget all that and use ick meds.