biggest thread on this website


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
wtf why is there duct tape in the water? get that out o_o

and no, dont worry about the ghost shrimp, when the eggs hatch, unlike cherry shrimp the babies are planktonic and are rather hard to raise because they will be floating in the water column, invisible to the naked eye. this means they'll go into the filter always so its all luck whether any of them will eventually grow up enough to precipitate out of the plankton in your tank and somehow make it past all the predators in the tank. IMO I wouldnt even bother. they might survive they might not.

Apr 14, 2008
Random ? do you have to reach 10,000 to be a mondter or what ever they are.
If you are referring to a moderator, I seriously doubt it. You have control of the site[not like an administrator tho] and banning people/removing posts. You have to be really level headed to do that and be able to tolerate people's...annoyingness at times. lol Not many people can do,000 posts[assuming that's what you meant] doesn't really mean anything then you have a lot of time to talk.

Basically, moderators are basically hand picked by the higher people to be responsible of the forum and it's members/their topics...