Before I get the fish, here's what I have:
Set up for 5 days:
10 Gallon standard tank (rinced)
1x 10 Gal heater (I don't remember the watts.)
2x plastic plants
1x Tetra Whisper PF10 HoB
10xGallons of water: 0/0/0 (AquaSafe Dechlorinated, will be TSS cycled) PH: 7.7
Set up today:
10 pounds of blue gravel (rinced)
Thermometer (Currently 78-79F)
To be added in the future:
- Gawdy pirate decorations (Ship and a chest, maybe a pirate skull...or maybe king neptune)
- One Piece pirate flag background (not sure how I'm gonna do it yet.)
- 3x Neon Tetra (being donated by someone breaking down their tank to move, sometime this week)
- 5x Rosy Barb (added probably a week later. Saw them at the LFS and they look healthy, had albino rosy barbs as well that look funny)
- 15 Gallons worth of TSS (To be added about an hour before the first fish)
I'm expecting the neons on either Thursday or Friday morning. NOTE: This tank is at work.
Anything I overlooked?
Set up for 5 days:
10 Gallon standard tank (rinced)
1x 10 Gal heater (I don't remember the watts.)
2x plastic plants
1x Tetra Whisper PF10 HoB
10xGallons of water: 0/0/0 (AquaSafe Dechlorinated, will be TSS cycled) PH: 7.7
Set up today:
10 pounds of blue gravel (rinced)
Thermometer (Currently 78-79F)
To be added in the future:
- Gawdy pirate decorations (Ship and a chest, maybe a pirate skull...or maybe king neptune)
- One Piece pirate flag background (not sure how I'm gonna do it yet.)
- 3x Neon Tetra (being donated by someone breaking down their tank to move, sometime this week)
- 5x Rosy Barb (added probably a week later. Saw them at the LFS and they look healthy, had albino rosy barbs as well that look funny)
- 15 Gallons worth of TSS (To be added about an hour before the first fish)
I'm expecting the neons on either Thursday or Friday morning. NOTE: This tank is at work.
Anything I overlooked?