white spots on fish

Hi guys I got a bit of a problem with some of my fish. I am starting to notice large white spots on them don’t look like ich. on 2 fish it is on the mouth and on the other 3 it is on there body I am very stumped I don’t want to loose any fish can someone help me out ???


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
My guess would be with Lauraf.

Can you provide us with...
- Water Parameters
- Pics of the fish
- Which tank this is in
- Anything that has recently changed in your tank

Total guess cure: Dose with Melafix and Pimafix after you remove your carbon. (Don't do it yet. We're still just guessing at this point.)

ok the ammo is 0 and nitrite is 0 nitrate is 5 and ph is 6. it is in my 55ga. I never changed nothing in the tank and started using stress coat and stress zime also added a bushy nose pleco. other then that nothing has changed. all fish are eating the same food (frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, garlic sinking pellets, tropical flakes(with yeast extract)I only feed 5 times a week. I will try to get pics but my camera takes crappy pics but I will try.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
TAKE YOUR PLECO OUT, before you introduce meds.

If you don't have a spare tank a bucket with a bubbler in it is better then leaving him in there. :/

Plecos are scaleless and don't tolerate meds or salt very well.

In the meantime CRANK the heat. 84-86 degrees if you can. Turn out the lights and put a sheet on the tank to reduce stress.

If you take the pleco out you might also want to add a bit of salt while you are medicating. Snails etc also can't do salt or meds.

Good thing u mentioned that to me. I think I might pout him in with my neon’s I don’t want to pout him in with the barbs. What I will do is pout in my divider into my 30 ga and pout jest the pleco in there for now. I am currently running a 300w heater in my tank I think I might add a extra 200w to take all the strain off that 300. My temp is currently at 80. What is the best salt to buy??? for when I do medicate.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
IMO, I wouldn't put the pleco in another tank. Since the pleco was the last thing to go in the tank it might be the carrier, or at least infected enough to pass it along to a new tank. Go find a cheap sponge filter and a big enough plastic container. (again, agreeing with Marcy)


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
yes you need heat, actually I'd keep him really warm too that way if he is the carrier you can hopefully clear him up too. I would advise against light for him also to reduce stress. FEED SPARINGLY while he is in that 5 gal like 1 time for the week he spends in there if you can.

Just go to the store and buy aquarium salt that is on sale. :) Cheap is good It's all basically the same.

check craigslist to see if you can get a filter/air pump off somebody for cheap or free. betcha you can :)


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
fungus is usually fluffy and white, bacteria is usually redish.

does it look like that fluffy white mold that grows on your food? Does it look like sores?

If it is on the mouth and fins I would think fungus. A general anti-fungal would work. I would start there, adding medaflex to reduce stress as well, keeping the tank dark and warm.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
fluffy is likely

The spots arround the mouth looks fluffy the other spots are on the body between. The eye and top dorcal fin. Looks round and is kinda fluffy.

Get a general antifungal. I haven't had a fungal issue in a long time but i believe the makers of medaflex make a general fungus product that is pretty good.

Do you have any dead fish yet? I would go out and get some like now so you don't end up with any dead critters.

While the tank is sick remember to keep the lights out.

ok so i jest got home from work and i lost 5 fish. :( so i took out the carbon and i started treating my tank with melafix and pimafix and api general cure. i am going to get api fungus cure tonight. i have the lights out and the blinds are closed so it is very dark in there i added my powerhead 50 and got my air pump and stone running so i hope there is plenty aeration.