What do you guys think of this stocking plan for my new 36 gallon tank....
6 x Neon tetra's
6 x Glowlight tetra's
6 x Rummynose tetra's
6 x undecided tetra's (suggestions?)
4 x leopard/zebra danio's
1 x GBR
1 x bottom feeder maybe Bristlenose Pleco (heard that they stay small and enjoy algae)
Aqadvisor says the following about it....
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 95%
Your aquarium stocking level is 97%.
I'm planning on getting rid of my 5 gallon (going into storage) and upgrading my 16 gallon tank into a dwarf puffer tank. I just love the little guys!! I could probably put about 4 - 5 Dp's in the tank with the proper female to male ratio.
Also a question about cycling. I have extra filter media in my 16 gallon which has been in there a bit now (1 a couple months and the other a week). By adding that filter media to my new tank would it basically be instantly cycled? Or do I need to go through the whole cycle process?
In truth I don't know much about the cycle, I'm just able to follow directions well.
6 x Neon tetra's
6 x Glowlight tetra's
6 x Rummynose tetra's
6 x undecided tetra's (suggestions?)
4 x leopard/zebra danio's
1 x GBR
1 x bottom feeder maybe Bristlenose Pleco (heard that they stay small and enjoy algae)
Aqadvisor says the following about it....
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 95%
Your aquarium stocking level is 97%.
I'm planning on getting rid of my 5 gallon (going into storage) and upgrading my 16 gallon tank into a dwarf puffer tank. I just love the little guys!! I could probably put about 4 - 5 Dp's in the tank with the proper female to male ratio.
Also a question about cycling. I have extra filter media in my 16 gallon which has been in there a bit now (1 a couple months and the other a week). By adding that filter media to my new tank would it basically be instantly cycled? Or do I need to go through the whole cycle process?
In truth I don't know much about the cycle, I'm just able to follow directions well.
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