

Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
What do you guys think of this stocking plan for my new 36 gallon tank....
6 x Neon tetra's
6 x Glowlight tetra's
6 x Rummynose tetra's
6 x undecided tetra's (suggestions?)
4 x leopard/zebra danio's
1 x GBR
1 x bottom feeder maybe Bristlenose Pleco (heard that they stay small and enjoy algae)

Aqadvisor says the following about it....
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 95%
Your aquarium stocking level is 97%.

I'm planning on getting rid of my 5 gallon (going into storage) and upgrading my 16 gallon tank into a dwarf puffer tank. I just love the little guys!! I could probably put about 4 - 5 Dp's in the tank with the proper female to male ratio.

Also a question about cycling. I have extra filter media in my 16 gallon which has been in there a bit now (1 a couple months and the other a week). By adding that filter media to my new tank would it basically be instantly cycled? Or do I need to go through the whole cycle process?
In truth I don't know much about the cycle, I'm just able to follow directions well. :p

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Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
Surely that would be in cycled since it has all bb growing. Might need to stock slowly though in order to let it increase with the extra numbers of fish.

Mar 2, 2011
The Bronx, NY
Personally I'd prefer a giant school or two to 4 or 5 smaller ones, but that's your choice. It doesn't seem overstocked to me. Once its been set up a while you might add a bunch of oto's they're good cleaners and I think they're cute and entertaining in schools.

Will there be plants? I always feel better having plants to help eat ammonia products.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Yes, if you add your old filter media, the tank will be safe for a few fish. Plants will help. You can also take whatever substrate or decor that is in your 5g and add temporarily to the new tank.
As suggested above, increase your stocking slowly to allow the bacteria to catch up to the bioload.
Woah, that's a lot of tetra(ish) fish! It's gonna be a busy tank!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I do plan to add plants (I have many that some are currently living in my bathroom) and I will add fish slowly. Could I safely move all of my tetra's at once (15 in all)? Thanks everyone for the advice!!

Woah, that's a lot of tetra(ish) fish! It's gonna be a busy tank!
Busy as in bad? I really like tetra's but I don't know any other small and good tempered fish that would work in the tank. Maybe I will check out the LFS and see what they have (then do some more research).

I feel really newbie(ish) asking all these questions......


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
No, not busy as in bad - just lots of schooling action.
I've seen badis badis (a different varietal than OC has tho') at a couple of lfs here in Vancouver - they would be cool if you want small, community-friendly fish. Honey gouramis? Smaller cories? Kuhlis? Killifish?

Feb 27, 2009
I've seen badis badis (a different varietal than OC has tho') at a couple of lfs here in Vancouver - they would be cool if you want small, community-friendly fish.
Your fish are Dario dario, once called Badis badis bengalensis. All of the Badis species are egg layers that lay in caves with males guarding/tending the eggs and fry. Even as tiny fry, no predation has been seen. (The male in my avatar would protect ANY fry, even those from Chili Rasbora and Celestial Pearl Danio) from harm.

The Dario dario is an egg scatterer and although both male and female protect the eggs with the male being the more aggressive, once fry have hatched, its survival of the fittest.

Sorry for the hijack, achase!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I would have on beeeeg school of tetras rather than just a bunch or random little ones. They school so much better, but its your choice :) If you like tetras than thats what you should do!
Currently all my tetra's school together regardless of what type they are, so I just assumed any other tetra's I added would school with the group as well. I might do the barbs, I didn't know there were "peaceful" ones. Is it just the two types of barbs that would be compatible?

6 x Neon tetra's
6 x Glowlight tetra's
6 x Rummynose tetra's
6 x "Peaceful" Barbs
4 x leopard/zebra danio's
1 x GBR
1 x Bristlenose Pleco

I'm basically maxed out with this stocking plan, right? No more room?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
The two I listed over the page are small and fairly peaceful and would work well I think. I'd say you're just about safely maxed out there but I think it'll end up a nice tank!
I read that Dwarf gold barbs and Pentazona barbs (look similar to tiger barbs) are peaceful, can anyone confirm that? Although cherry barbs might be a nice addition since they are red.

I don't like overstocking so I'm a little bummed I'm stocked up because I feel like I need another bottom dwelling fish. Lol! But isn't that the case for everyone...more fish....which is why so many of us have multiple tanks. But I must not forget about my DP tank...which I'm really excited for. I love DP's!

I think it'll end up a nice tank!
Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it and I will add photos later. I got a black substrate and I'm currently looking for a large piece of driftwood (I'm not having much luck and I don't really wanna find/create my own driftwood because I read that it's a hassle to treat) and I might add some river rock.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I see what you mean, you don't have many bottom dwellers at all there. The obvious thing (for me) would be to replace one of the shoals with a shoal of cory cats (if you got pygmy cories you could get like 10). Cherry barbs stay fairly close to the bottom, having said that. I'd never heard of dwarf gold barbs but from a quick google scan they seem ideal if you can get hold of them, as do pentazona barbs.