Good Place To Buy Aquariums??


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Where is a good place to post free ads or browse to try and find cheap aquariums around your area?? I'm looking for a 5 gallon kit that's not $40 Walmart. Maybe in the $5-$15 range. with everything of course (tank, hood, lights, filter, and heater). Could you please post on where I could find a good deal on something like this??


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Has anyone mentioned Craigslist yet? I hear it's really good.

But I'll go one better:
10 gal fish tank w/ air pump, filter pump, stones, plastic plant, ligh (10g in Niles, IN for 15 bucks)

10 gallon fish tank (10g in Chicago for 20)

Several others for around the same price. One nut job is looking for 60 bucks. Don't buy that one.

If you wanted to move up to a 29g then you can find them with filter and stuff for 50-60 bucks. After that prices fluctuate pretty hard.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I tried that, but there are no good tanks within my price range. Maybe for my birthday (September) I can convince my dad to get me a $200-$300 55 gallon tank with a stand, hood, lights, and $10 worth of free fish (anytime to, of course, filter the tank) at my lfs. That's an idea, huh?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
So those two I linked that are in your area aren't good because........ ?
craigs list is about patience.... 5 gal on cl should be about 10.00

55 gal on cl should be about 55 with the junk it should be about 100... 150 would be high but for the right set up i would bite

30 gal on cl should be about 40 probably with fish and a stand...

sunday nights is when the goods usually hit the cl in my area

check the pets section as well as the for sale section as for some reason the cl geniuses dont have them cross populate

dont be in a rush you will find something

40.00 for a 5g is a waste

remember a 5g is good for like a fish not a few fish... its basically a fancy betta tank.

wth i have been back now for 24 hours and nobody said hey nanu where ya been we missed you and your snarky fishisms!!! this makes me sad :( lol


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi

bass comes and goes, when i started he she was here all the time, then not so much then more recently here a ton.

i think some of us get burned out.

personally i had an issue with a glass of wine and my laptop last summer, it fryed my keyboard but i was able to work with an external keyboard, finally the keys were so bad that capslock would stick down causing sticky keys to come on and off at will it also caused me to go in and out of caps locks, and all of my numbers and symbols were available in only the uppercase format..... it got so bad that i finally just sort of gave up on the interweb until my new keyboard came in the mail.... then i was afraid to dismantle my very nice very new laptop to install.... finally yesterday i got out a screwdriver and went at it (wasnt hard at all)

so now i can type and punctuate and capitalize etc.... although to be honest i have been so out of the habit that im now forgetting to use proper grammar. lol

I don't know this paige you speak of so i cant even begin to tell you her whereabouts... lol

as a side note if your keyboard ever goes bad it is less expencive to actually replace it then to get an external and honestly just about as easy... external keyboard was 30.00 replacement for the internal (that you cant override anyway) was 10.00 + shipping... should have done it right the first time around because if i had known how simple it was going to be i could have been using my laptop as a laptop for the last 8 months instead of being teatherd to my desk

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Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
omg the keyboard wonk was enough to make me insane.... I can't believe it took me so long to spend so little and repair this beast... it was like 4 months old when the wine incident happened i have been using an external keyboard for such a long time its taking a bit to get used to the laptop again.

yeah she comes and she goes, she will return


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Aak (can I call you by your real name, like how nanu is Marcy??), I found out that my dad is getting a 150 gallon from his friend. I hope he helps me buy supplys for it. lol!! I'm thinking about 1-2 filter(s) and 2 heaters. I think it has a hood and lights, but it does come with a wooden stand with cabinets.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, thanks Jeremy. I'm thinking about searching around for a canister filter. My lfs can get me one for a 200 gallon and sell it for $150-$200 for me when pond season starts. I can't wait to see all the pretty Koi!! Should I go with Koi, Fancy Goldfish, or make it a tropicla tank?? I'm currently transforming my 30 gallon into a tropical tank for my Platies, Neons, Betta, Otos (getting more for my lonely buddy) and I'm getting some Guppies and possibly more types of Tetras.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Ok. I'll probably go with some Fancy Goldfish. I'll still need the canister filter, right?? I'm thinking, for the Goldfish, Black Moor, Pearlscale, and Twin Tails. What do you guys think?? It's gotta be something that will get along with each other.

RIP- Otocinclus. Died of unknown causes.:(


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; At one point in the past I had a tank of around 125 gallons or so. It was homemade and in use for several years until a fatal flaw in the initial construction cracked a main panel.

I knew of the canister type filters, a friend had one which used diatomaceous earth as a filter medium. They were beyond my financial reach. I used a combination of filters in the tank with good success.

Running on air pumps, I had an under gravel filter sized for a 20 gallon tank in one back corner, a sponge filter buried in the gravel in another corner and some air stones. I some times had an extra external filter powered by air bubbles.

I had an external, HOB sort of power filter. It was not like the modern power filters although it did have an impeller. I still have most of the parts in a box, but the motor is shot. Likely did not flow too much more than the HOB on my 55 gallon today. Probably had more surface area of filter medium.

I suppose the point of the story is that a less than desirable amount of filtration can and has worked. You can adjust the load of fish to suit the amount of filtration in your budget. Perhaps one of the HOB power filters to start out and later a second until the money is available for the canister type.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Do not have experience with the filters and heater named.

On a bigger tank I liked to have two heaters in use so that there is less chance of total heating loss in the event of a failure. Some of my heaters had very short durations of proper function. The ones that have survived, by default, must be good ones. I will at some point look at the brand of these die hards and post the makes.

I have only used the type that hang on the rim of a tank. I learned to look for some sort of proper sealing at the top to keep moisture out. Water can find it's way inside the tubes. I have seen them continue to function (for a while) with an half an inch of water inside the tube and touching the heating coils.

I also look at the type of fittings and components inside the tube, in particular the adjustment screw and the contact points. Finer threads on the adjustment screw seems to be better and allow for more accurate adjustment. I also like a material for the adjustment screw such as brass or stainless. I can not always tell the better quality stuff by looking, but the poor quality stuff becomes more oblivious after throwing a bunch in the trash.

I acquired a submergible heater with a used tank last summer but have not used it yet. I suppose there is a way to adjust the temperature, but do you have to remove them from the water? I find that I have to change the heater settings as the seasons change.

One other thought. I do not care for too much wattage in a single heater. Thermostats have and do stick. A powerful heater can cook a tank. For me if 200 watts is needed, I will often use two 100 watt heaters. I will pull one in the warmer months. I also check the adjustments more often in the spring and late fall. That said, I do however have single heaters that have proven trustworthy, in tanks.
I tend to run a little less wattage than absolutely necessary for the coldest time of year with a few spares handy to add if needed.