My new Betta

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
This is my new betta i just brought home who i have yet to name. He doesn't like the camera AT ALL so these pics arent the best, il try again next week when he gets more used to me. Hope you like him :)



Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
He was flaring alot at the LFS at the other males beside him. But now that he's home, he wont flare and as a matter of fact, until i fed him, he was having "dart attacks" Where he'd just go crazy and rush around the tank until he god right on top of the power filter. Im proud to announce, i got a Pellet eater :D He loves them. he had his first meal this mornin of 4 pellets. He's still VERY shy and he hides on top of the power filter but he hasn't darted much. I am going to go see if i can a few more pic's of him. Also, think i might add. Yesterday i picked up 2 more Kuhli's loachs cause i thought mine was lonely. So now im doing about 75% water changes a week.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Nice plants and Betta!! I can't get crap to grow (T_T) and my Betta changes colors!! Today she's purple and last week she was green. She's crazy, lol. I want a male Betta and I asked my lfs manager if he could buy a black, red, and white half moon male for me. He said yes, but he also asked "Are you gonna buy a 1 gallon tank for him??" "Nope," I replied, "I'm gonna get a 2.5 gallon for him!!" lol My friend wants to name him either Fuin, which means Darkness, Dûr Lhûg, which means Dark Dragon, or Dûr Lor, which means Dark Dream.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
That sounds awesome! i am getting a halfmoon as my first betta when i get my own house or i may do it at college. depends on what they allow.

You want plants? Go to local fish store or your local walmart and look for some Aponogeton bulbs. They will grow in anything. Plant them in the substrate and in 3-4 days you'l see some tiny greenery emerge and you'l think. These are the lamest plants ever. Then in 2 weeks you'l be like "i wish this thing's leaves would stop growing!" Id also suggest Anacharis ( i dont like mine, i like plants with good roots and mine's roots suck!) and id suggest an Amazon sword. i wouldnt suggest a corkscrew as mine arent doin so hot atm. They're sendin out new growth but there so short and small.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Oh and btw, my old betta named electra would change colors too. And i mean QUICK! she'd be red when i come in the room. Then when i walk up to the tank she'd go from red to green, to blue, to grey (like she washed out) and she'd get all stressed like she didnt like me :p

Feb 27, 2009
il do that when this one runs out
The incorrect light type explains why some of your plants have not survived. The plants that ARE growing are doing so by the light that comes into the room and hits the tank. Incandescent lights put off mostly heat and very little light that a plant can use to live. Why wait until the bulb burns out to replace it with the correct type of light?

Apr 14, 2008
Yeah, in the bulb section of WalMart, there are 15 watt spiral screw in compact florescent bulbs[opt for the 6500k/"day light" spectrum since it's whiter and not the "cool white" bulbs which are yellower] like OC said and a pack of 2 is like $6 or so. Not bad at all...I highly recommend them since they can grow plants like you wouldn't believe... :)

Apr 14, 2008
lol I bet your betta feels like he's in heaven with all the plant matter! You can trim older aponogeton leaves as needed but enjoy them while they're still going because they can & do go dormant...

How are the remaining guppies? Are they doing any better? Kuhli Loaches still around?

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