Hello; Just called the delux card number and checked. Once the card value is zero that is the end of the process, there is no additional chance of charges or fees. You do have to keep track and not try to pay for more than the card has on it. An example in the literature is that restaurants may add a tip to the bill automatically. you also have to check first to see if you can do a split transaction where some of the bill is on the card and the rest is paid some other way.
If I were to put a lot of extra money on a card, say for a long trip, and it was lost or stolen then I have to notify them right away in order to not lose any money. I can lose $50.00 if i wait too long after discovering it is gone. I guess to most you can ever lose is what happens to be on the card, so it is a bit more secure than lost cash.
In my case it is a matter of not being comfortable with online financial transactions. A friend had several hundred dollars charged to a credit card from a resort island a while back. He had never been there. He got it straight, so all was well in the end. The paypal method may be very safe, I do not know enough about it to say.
Good luck with the growing up stuff. You have some milestones ahead. Drivers ED was not around when I learned. I did not know that it cost a student extra. Can you take the written exam and get a permit anyway?
If I were to put a lot of extra money on a card, say for a long trip, and it was lost or stolen then I have to notify them right away in order to not lose any money. I can lose $50.00 if i wait too long after discovering it is gone. I guess to most you can ever lose is what happens to be on the card, so it is a bit more secure than lost cash.
In my case it is a matter of not being comfortable with online financial transactions. A friend had several hundred dollars charged to a credit card from a resort island a while back. He had never been there. He got it straight, so all was well in the end. The paypal method may be very safe, I do not know enough about it to say.
Good luck with the growing up stuff. You have some milestones ahead. Drivers ED was not around when I learned. I did not know that it cost a student extra. Can you take the written exam and get a permit anyway?