I wasn’t sure which category to post this under as it is about several things, so I hope this is the appropriate place for my topic. I've spent literally hours scanning the internet and the forums but I may have missed something so please excuse me if the following has been asked before.
Over the course of the past few months I’ve gradually been setting up an aquarium in my bedroom. It holds 8 to 10 US gallons of water (I don’t know the exact volume as we’ve had this aquarium for a couple of years and I no longer have the packaging but I do know it is at LEAST 30 litres) and is planted with common plants such as amazon sword plants, banana lilies, anubias & Christmas moss on bogwood and java fern & Christmas moss on a coconut cave. I also have a piece of driftwood that I’m going to break up and boil before adding alongside some java moss (I won’t be boiling the moss… unless you like moss tea). It’s currently got a mechanical filter but that will be replaced with a sponge filter that is “maturing” in our established and fully cycled aquarium downstairs.
It was my intention to use this aquarium for red cherry shrimp and some fry that had come into my care. While the aquarium was being set up the fry unfortunately perished in their temporary enclosure - I have yet to purchase the shrimp. I’ve felt rather disheartened but have decided to move forward and think of what other critters I could house in the aquarium. My mind drifted back to the one fish I never thought I would be lucky enough to own: a betta.
It’ll be a while before I make any purchases but I wish to be prepared beforehand. I’ve looked for advice with regards to keeping a betta with red cherry shrimp but haven’t found enough information to say I’m comfortable with any particular decision, so I’ve come to you for help - if I may do so.
* I’m wondering what your experiences are with regards to keeping betta fish with red cherry shrimp. Would you advise it?
* I’ve also read that the aggressiveness of a betta varies greatly depending on species/personality. Is there anything in particular I should look out for if I do choose to purchase a betta? Any behaviours to look for in store? Should I get a male or female?
* If I do go ahead with this I would add the red cherry shrimp first; I’m hoping this would encourage the betta to establish a territory away from the cherry shrimp. Is there any logic to this thinking? Would this reduce aggression towards the shrimp?
* I do have a heater suited for my aquarium however my bedroom always stays within a similar temperature range (with the exception of slight drops at night, of course). The water of my aquarium usually reads between 70 and 74 degrees F. Would this be suitable? Should I add the heater to the aquarium just to keep things steady?
* Assassin snails. I have a single assassin snail we call “Titan”. He was living with the fry I mentioned earlier and now needs a new home; our downstairs aquarium houses four apple snails alongside the various fish so I don’t know if it would be wise to place him in that aquarium; would it be safe for him in the one in my bedroom if I were to acquire some red cherry shrimp and a betta?
I’m sorry for the length of my post, but I would love to learn as much as possible before coming to any final decision. I do have one more question… if bettas really are off the list for companions for the red cherry shrimp does anyone have any alternate suggestions? I don’t mind having pure red cherry shrimp, I would just hate to see all that swimming space go to waste hahah.
I wasn’t sure which category to post this under as it is about several things, so I hope this is the appropriate place for my topic. I've spent literally hours scanning the internet and the forums but I may have missed something so please excuse me if the following has been asked before.
Over the course of the past few months I’ve gradually been setting up an aquarium in my bedroom. It holds 8 to 10 US gallons of water (I don’t know the exact volume as we’ve had this aquarium for a couple of years and I no longer have the packaging but I do know it is at LEAST 30 litres) and is planted with common plants such as amazon sword plants, banana lilies, anubias & Christmas moss on bogwood and java fern & Christmas moss on a coconut cave. I also have a piece of driftwood that I’m going to break up and boil before adding alongside some java moss (I won’t be boiling the moss… unless you like moss tea). It’s currently got a mechanical filter but that will be replaced with a sponge filter that is “maturing” in our established and fully cycled aquarium downstairs.
It was my intention to use this aquarium for red cherry shrimp and some fry that had come into my care. While the aquarium was being set up the fry unfortunately perished in their temporary enclosure - I have yet to purchase the shrimp. I’ve felt rather disheartened but have decided to move forward and think of what other critters I could house in the aquarium. My mind drifted back to the one fish I never thought I would be lucky enough to own: a betta.
It’ll be a while before I make any purchases but I wish to be prepared beforehand. I’ve looked for advice with regards to keeping a betta with red cherry shrimp but haven’t found enough information to say I’m comfortable with any particular decision, so I’ve come to you for help - if I may do so.
* I’m wondering what your experiences are with regards to keeping betta fish with red cherry shrimp. Would you advise it?
* I’ve also read that the aggressiveness of a betta varies greatly depending on species/personality. Is there anything in particular I should look out for if I do choose to purchase a betta? Any behaviours to look for in store? Should I get a male or female?
* If I do go ahead with this I would add the red cherry shrimp first; I’m hoping this would encourage the betta to establish a territory away from the cherry shrimp. Is there any logic to this thinking? Would this reduce aggression towards the shrimp?
* I do have a heater suited for my aquarium however my bedroom always stays within a similar temperature range (with the exception of slight drops at night, of course). The water of my aquarium usually reads between 70 and 74 degrees F. Would this be suitable? Should I add the heater to the aquarium just to keep things steady?
* Assassin snails. I have a single assassin snail we call “Titan”. He was living with the fry I mentioned earlier and now needs a new home; our downstairs aquarium houses four apple snails alongside the various fish so I don’t know if it would be wise to place him in that aquarium; would it be safe for him in the one in my bedroom if I were to acquire some red cherry shrimp and a betta?
I’m sorry for the length of my post, but I would love to learn as much as possible before coming to any final decision. I do have one more question… if bettas really are off the list for companions for the red cherry shrimp does anyone have any alternate suggestions? I don’t mind having pure red cherry shrimp, I would just hate to see all that swimming space go to waste hahah.