Kiara's Fish Deaths


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am really curious. I am assuming the male and female betta were in separate tanks. Is this correct? It is unusual to have six deaths in one day in separate tanks. If, as your LFS says, it was bad water, what was bad - the ammonia, nitrite or nitrate? A Nitrate reading of .25 hardly means a tank is cycled, but even if I am wrong, bettas are really pretty hardy fish so why would two of them die in separate tanks? Seems like some investigation would be necessary. As OC, says - Just my 2 cents worth.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I may have read the nitrate wrong, but both betta tanks have ben cycled for almost a year. I had the canals in the community tank and the tank I put the make in I had already established. I switched the previous fish to a difference tank and he was doing good in there for 2 months. The guppies that does were sick to begin with. I just think that it's strange that my bettas died in the same day when they were in different (both established) tanks. The guppies were in the 2.5 for QT but I'm mainly worried about my bettas.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I have kept alot of Betta's in my time and more than what has been asked could have happened. What do you feed them and how much a day? Did any of the Guppy water get in either tank the betta's were in? What color are the bettas (Im assuming the fungus was white and so is your halfmoon in places yes?)

Feb 27, 2009
I may have read the nitrate wrong, but both betta tanks have ben cycled for almost a year.
You never said what test kit you used. What brand? Liquid or dip strips?

I had the canals in the community tank and the tank I put the make in I had already established.

The guppies that does were sick to begin with.
Presuming this means "The guppies were sick to begin witn." Not sure really.

Why would you purchase sick guppies?

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Proof reading would really be a PLUS - I agree with OC - unable to figure out a "make" and "canal". It is not the Smartphone, its the operator, lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, sorry. I only have test strips and they're from Tetra. I bought the guppies a week ago and they got sick, so I separated them. No water was transferred and my betta didn't have fungus on him.

Sorry for the proof reading. I don't always catch every mistake. I'll put a picture up of him before he died. And I disagree. It is the smartphone, NOT the operator!! XD

Feb 27, 2009
I bought the guppies a week ago and they got sick, so I separated them.
'They got sick'? How? What are the water parameters in THAT tank?

And I disagree. It is the smartphone, NOT the operator!! XD
The smartphone didn't push 'send'....

I digress....The test strips made my Tetra don't read nitrates at such accuracy..perhaps nitrate was 25 and not 0.25?

Regardless....We'll never know why so many fish died so suddenly, and since the reason for even mentioning it was that the one betta was a $20 loss, what's the point?

My desire to keep my fish healthy does not depend on the cost of the fish to me to buy it initially, nor the cost to replace it. A living creature is a living creature.

I'm done. Sorry for ranting.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
OrangeCones said:
The smartphone didn't push 'send'....
Well I'm sorry that I'm not a computer and can't look over every little thing. I was in a rush because I had to go to the store.

And yes, I meant 25, not .25. Try a smartphone with Swype technology and you'll see why I hate it from what it does. For the meantime, you don't have to worry about any more spelling errors. I'm only my laptop and I finally got the internet connection working (after having router problems). I have Windows Vista, so on the internet it has spell check. :p

On another note, I got some new fish. I got 3 one inch Banded Kuhli Loaches (more Kuhlis!! YAY!!!) and 4 Zebra Danios (so 5 in total, with one long fin variety). My Black Kuhlis are 2 1/2 inches, so the new babies need to go in a breeder net (they were in one when I bought them). My dad is calling it even, so he's going to get me more CFLs, a mini heater for my 2.5g, and a male Dragon Betta.


Superstar Fish
I am on an evaluation!!!! I am evaluating myself!!!!!!!! I just murdered two fish!!!!! And am on the way to murdering a plate coral too because I got complacent in my water testing. I felt ill!!! I felt like I was going to be sick when I seen the water test!!!!!!! I JUST KILLED MY PETS, I feel so bad. I have so much buffering in my SW tank that I thought it was almost impossible for my pH to drop. Well I was so wrong!!! I skipped two weeks because it had been OK for over two years. Pretty much about 8.1 to 8.3pH. Well in two weeks it hit 7.3pH. I am not sure what went wrong. I am sure is was a dosing calculation. This would not have happened if I would have tested as always.
Well, I can't say much but, I am evaluating the why and cause of my murders. On the rare occasions I loose fish its at least 2-3 months before I buy more.

I ask everyone to say a BIG prayer for my plate coral, he is fighting for his life, he is badly bleaching. He has not thrown off any babies as some plate coral will do when they are dyeing. So I fear I cannot continue his bloodline either.
Thanks, Kerry


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I pray for you, Kerry!!

And yes, I did have fish die and buy more, but only 8 more!! And they went in different tanks, not the betta tanks. I accidentally smashed my favorite guppy fry. I was mad and sad. She was neutral colored with big, pitch black spots on her tail and dorsal fins. Recently, her fins started turning metallic blue. I was angry at myself for smashing her with the net while trying to catch another fish. Damn. I cried. I swear there's something wrong with me. I don't show any emotions during my uncle's funeral yet I bawl over an inch small fish.

If you can't tell, I have an obsession with buying fish as long as they work with my tank and current fish. I evaluated what could've gone wrong and even asked tons of people. Everything came up as a question mark, so I bought more cute fishies!!! Sorry if that upsets anyone, but it's my tank. :p

Update: One of my Otos (that I've had for 5 months) just started acting sick. I put him in a 1 gallon betta bowl with an airstone (he was in the bowl inside another tank, since I don't have a heater). He expired a few hours later. I dissected him. Not only was he very skinny (even though I have plentiful algae [growing some too, yay] and the other 2 are fine) but his insides were a brownish color. Maybe I cut him open wrong?? I was careful, but it just didn't look right. He had white stuff going toward his anus too. I saw that through his skin before I dissected him. Like I said, the other two are fine and fat, but idk what happened to this one. I'm not going to buy anymore fish for a while. *angel sings* I'm going to contemplate this some more and ask more, descriptive questions. If anyone has ANYTHING to ask about my tanks, ask away!!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Only 7 die in 2 days and you just bought 8 more with no water testing? And your advising other people?? I don't believe it! I guess I need to bow out of this dialog because I can't see where I can help.

Feb 27, 2009
Try a smartphone with Swype technology and you'll see why I hate it from what it does.
I use a Galaxy with Swype but don't have the typo issues.

On another note, I got some new fish. I got 3 one inch Banded Kuhli Loaches (more Kuhlis!! YAY!!!) and 4 Zebra Danios (so 5 in total, with one long fin variety).
You seriously just had 6 'unexplained' fish deaths in one day, and now just bought 7 more fish? Unreal.

I'm with Thyra.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thyra, I DID test my water and it was find. My lfs manager didn't know what's up. I know that you guys are trying to help, but seriously!?!? You guys don't have to be sarcastic about it!!!!!!!! I'm out.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Great, but when you test the water you don't give any numbers. You just say its "find" (your spelling, not mine) whatever that means. I suppose this sounds like sarcasm, but my other posts were not. OC will ask for specific numbers of their water parameters almost any time anyone asks for help, but few people ever respond. I have come to the conclusion that many people can afford to buy and replace fish repeatedly, but can't afford a good test kit and although they won't admit it, they don't think its necessary. I suppose OC, Laura, MK, and a couple of others influenced me when I started out because I couldn't find any pure ammonia, but I bought the test kit before I bought any fish and I have never been sorry. The fact is the first year, I used much of the test kit and had to start replacing bottles, but I have replaced very few fish - and at the moment I am maintaining 6 tanks.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
FINE, I meant fine!!! And I DID give numbers. All zeros and 25 for nitrates. I tested it again before I got my new fish and it's 30ppm. This time I used the stores drops and tubes.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
*sigh* you know what?? I'm just going to type uber slow now. It feels normal to type fast, but I keep messing up. I meant 20ppm.

BTW, I always do a water change when I buy my fish. Meaning that I get my new fish home, do a water change of about 35-40% and then acclimate them.

Not trying to make this sound like excuses, but it's the stupid truth. I have typing issues.