This is the way we were taught in 4-H: All horses are worth the same - what the going price per pound is for meat. What makes them worth more is their training. Personally I would also add breeding, but even then you can't count on them being like their sire and dam.
Sky, you seem to have unlimited funds for fish, but lack equipment. You apparently don't even own a tank suitable in size for the fish you want. You definitely need something in the 30 gallon range. I wouldn't recommend SW until you conquer the FW problems you are having. Also, usually people that buy those expensive fish are planning to breed them, and honestly, from all the things you have said I don't think you are ready to take that project on. If you have read at all about it you would realize how labor intensive it is - you could need as many as 50 - 100 separate containers all that would need very frequent water changes. And have you considered how you would market the fry? There is a lot of competition out there and shipping is also problematic. BTW - weren't those two bettas that died guaranteed in any way?
Ah yeah, that's a lot different out here. Horses are worth what breeding, training and handling they've had, and also personality. A very quiet show pony that has decent breeding as well as winnings and handling can go for $15,000+ out here. It's pretty crazy really. . .
Actually, it's both ways. I just lack the availability of decent equipment around here. Three pet shops over an hours radius and they only stock Aqua One and Marina heaters, both which I've found faulty. I'm looking at buying my things online now.
I only buy the tanks my parents will allow me to have. I'm eighteen and my mum hates big tanks as she thinks they're harder to look after and she worries about leaking tanks and when we go away - even know we haven't gone anywhere for about four years now. . . I'd be happy to have a six foot tank if I could. . . It's not like I can't afford it as I pay for all my fish and the stuff I need. I even have more then one spare of almost everything - filters, heaters, food, tank cleaners, treatments - which I've bought just in case as I'm out of town - replacement filter pieces, etc. I have a large box for it all and not all of it fits in. . .
I wouldn't recommend SW until you conquer the FW problems you are having.
Sorry but what do you mean by SW and FW? I'm not too familiar with those terms. I have thought about breeding them, though I wasn't going to temp it with these fish - one male was mine, the one that is dull now is my mother's and the first one that died was my aunts I was looking after until she goes back home. I'd buy a cheap male until I knew what I was doing in case I mucked something up and lost him.
I have heard you need huge tanks to breed them, though I've seen experts I know on youtube put babies in tanks about 40 litres and grow them out, though there weren't that many that they would need anything more than 100 litres if that. So I'm not too sure what goes on there, but either way I'm not planning on doing that any time soon. If I did breed Bettas, I would probably advertise them on the net, Gumtree, youtube, etc. There's a massive demand for flashy ones such as what I've bought out here. I agreed to a DOA - Dead Upon Arrival with the seller, but there wasn't any guarantee after the first day sadly.
We're starting to believe it is our water that is the problem. The fish we've had for three weeks now was dull for the past two days - since we changed the water - and tonight we changed it again and used the bought filtered water and he seems a little better.
What happened to the heap of fighters?
I've had heaps over the years, they either died months after I got them from the same glue fin stuff, fin rot, bacterial cut one got after he jumped out of the tank from the mantel - though he landed on a bag that was inflated thankfully and I was there and seen him do it - and then old age or just suddenly died over night with no signs of sickness. Most of our Bettas have died of old age and not had any problems with them during the time we've had them. We've only really had serious problems with them now and I'm not doing anything different than I used to apart from using different water.