Dario dario - I hope I get at least one female!

Feb 27, 2009
I've won a bid to purchase a trio from a breeder!!! *BOUNCINGS

Now to set up their tank. I'm letting hubby do the decorating and he wants to take plants from my 40 gallon tank for this project. So far, he's picked out my prettiest bronze crypt and an anubias nana petite. Now for some rockwork or driftwood for the smaller tank.

Feb 27, 2009
Changed my mind, will do a 10 gallon for them (5 gallon for breeding blackworms again). Now to hunt down some wisteria!

Decided to use the Fluval U-2 for this project. I'm so excited, its supposed to be two females and one male!


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
That U-2 looks like a nice little internal filter. Fluval seems to be highly recommended in aquarium world.

A few days after starting my 29, I added a ~$12 eBay bubbler filter to the corner. I'm kind of surprised at the amount of water it pumps if you drop the water level just below it's outlet. Not the prettiest, but it pumps!


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Feb 27, 2009
I don't add anything that uses an air pump to my aquariums so that I can keep as much CO2 dissolved in the water as possible. With enough fast-growing plants, the water gets saturated with oxygen anyway!

Feb 27, 2009
Ok, it started out as a 5 gallon tank (which I have empty already). Then it was a 10 gallon tank (again, I already have empty). But, talked hubby into a 20gallon long. I'll use the 5 gallon for a blackworm culture. These 3 Dario dario have been expensive! Wednesday they come, woot!

I have placed the new tank on the new stand and put in new gravel. Now waiting for it to fill about halfway and will plant it. Bought a few new plants but most will come as 'donations' from my 40gallon planted tank.

Pics coming...

Feb 27, 2009
Almost enough water to start the filter. Also noticed my water was dropping in temperature with every gallon of new water. Was the heater broken?? Then I remembered how this tank is 4x the size of my original plan, but I'd not changed which heater to use. Oopsie!

Now with the proper sized heater, its now up to 77. Time to release the first fish into the tank: 3 otos, one of which is a very fat female. Trying to decide if I should put some of my rasbora in there to keep the cycle active. I don't want to spend a bunch of time chasing them and possibly tearing up the newly planted plants when the Dario dario come on Wednesday.

Feb 27, 2009
My "drip new water in via slow siphon from a bucket on top of a stack of buckets" method that I use for water changes. Makes it handy to add water to a new tank also, as it doesn't stir up the gravel. No matter how much its rinsed, it always seems to cloud up the water if water is added too quickly. If I was doing a lot of water changes (like when I had 8 tanks!), this was too time intensive. But I am in no hurry to complete the fill, so this method is fine for me. Besides, I have homework to finish.

View attachment 11536

Feb 27, 2009
Added a few plants from my 40gallon planted tank, and found the light from my old 29gallon tank for this one. Haven't decided if I'm going to do high or medium light, but I have the option of 55watts or 110 over this 20gallon long. Being a more shallow tank, the one bulb is plenty. I'll see how it goes.
