10g Nano


Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
Hmm, liveaquaria says that both peppermint and cleaner shrimp get up to 2". They don't mention tank sizes at all though. If it outgrows my tank I'll trade him in for a new small one or another type.

The piece of LR that I found the zoos on also has a colony (20+) of small feather duster worms. I wasn't sure if it was algae or not, but most of the worms have their fans out this afternoon. Very nice piece of LR for $2 ^^


Medium Fish
Jan 1, 2006
Wow, this really makes me want to start a 10g saltwater. As soon as I get a job again, this might be a new project for me.


Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
saltwater4life said:
Looking good,
One thing i like doing with my cleaner shimp is sticking my hand in the water and watch him clean it :p fills funny.

Edit yea the shrimp will regrow them when he molts
Glad to know his antenna will regrow. It cleans my hand every time I put it in the tank and it does feel funny ^_^

I added some more stuff to the tank today so here are some new/updated pictures I just took with a different camera on a tripod.

Full tank shot w/o flash.

Full tank shot w/ flash.

The Zoas that hitchhiked in on the last piece of LR I got finally opened up, but I think they are just babies o_O

I forgot the name of this worm, but you only ever see his two antenna and slimy strings it puts out to catch food. Also, don't use gloss paint on the back of your tank...

Bring in the clowns! These two have been doing great since I added them (about 6 hours ago). They are not shy at all and love to play in the current. They seem to get along pretty well even though I didn't buy them as a pair. They were the only two in the tank and I watched them for 15 minuets before I decided to buy them. So far they have spent most of their time in their new home playing in the currents.

There is one more picture I need to take of one of the two pieces of LR I got last week. I saw a rock for sale today in a LFS coral tank covered with the same stuff I have on mine, some encrusting something or another.

My current tank inhabitants are:

2x False Clowns (Ocellaris Clownfish)
1x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
2x Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab
2x Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab
1x Emerald Mithrax Crab
2x Bumble Bee Snail
7x Nassarius Snail

I'm planning on getting some cerith and trochus snails when I can find them. It took the poor girl at the LFS today 20 minuets to find the seven nassarius snails I got and the only other types they had were bumble bee and astria (which I don't want).

If everything is still doing well in a week I might add some coral IF I can find some for a decent price. So far the three LFS I've been to all seem very high on their corals. Maybe I can get lucky and pick off some mislabeled corals one of these days :p

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Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
Make sure to check the bottom of page 3!

Never knew there was a 10 image per post limit O.O

The cleaner shirmp has been hanging out here since I added the two false clowns trying to clean them I'm assuming.

Pretty sure these are feather dusters that hitched on the same rock as the zoas.

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Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
it was an excellent buy and I didn't even know any of that was on it until I got it in the tank ^^

The only coral I know that I want are ricordea mushrooms. Other than that it will probably be a "oooh I like that...I'll take it" type of thing (assuming it will work in my tank). A nice rock of GSP for the center of my sand bed might be nice too.

I just fed the clowns some Hikari Marine S and they loved it! I also have some Hikari frozen mysis shrimp for them, but it is good to know they will eat pellets/flakes in case I go on a 2-3 day vacation.

I still need to finish the auto top off system and get some cheato (hard to get around here for some reason...been to four stores and no luck) for the AC fuge as well as add some mechanical filtration to it...


Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
Is $10 shipped a good price for it? I don't really have anything to compare that price to.

I'm making UTR's (from nano-reef.com) auto top off.
Wet's Battery powered air top-off...$10. - Nano-Reef.com Forums

All I need to finish it is the rigid tubing and a container. I got lucky and found two of the float switches on eBay cheap. I was going to order them from floatswitches.com, but they want more for shipping than they do for the switch... I'll be sure to post pictures when I'm done with it.

The clowns are still doing fine this morning. I think they are getting more comfortable with the cleaner shrimp too ^^


Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
TheFighterFish said:
I've really enjoyed this thread Seiryoku. I think that your tank is well set up and looking good. When I start saltwater (in a few years), I'll be sure to note your setup.

Good luck with your fish keeping!
Thank you very much ^^

I might go coral shopping this weekend if I have any money left :p

My cleaner shrimp molted last night! I woke up and he had all of his antenna back (a few of them were broken when I got him).