40 Breeder Build Log

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Finally right? Yes thats right. I've finally decided to go with a 40breeder. It will be setup in a peninsula style setup. Here is basic specs:

Tank: 40gal Breeder (36x18x16)
Filtration: 30gal Sump (36x12x16)
Skimmer: Reef Octopus 150 Recirculating NW
Lighting: 2x250w MH 14k Phoenix bulbs

Coral: SPS Dominated
Fish: TBD
Live Rock: TBD (Not sure on poundage yet, gotta look for good pieces)

I'm working on the stand currently, modding the DIY one i had to fit a 40Br. Pics to come. The sump will be a 30gal (36x12x16) and the skimmer will run externally. The fuge will take up most of the sump. It will be a simple Intake --> Fuge --> Return setup. I will be drilling the tank with 2 intake holes and will have the returns just come over the top with flex tubing.

What type of return pump should i look into getting for this size setup?

Sump construction is next, stay tuned!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
finally! in a 40g u could get away with 1 hole drilled to suport a 1" bulkhead and a mag7... with a sps dominate tank yur guna want lots of flow! closedloop? if not i suggest a few surflow modded maxijets on a wavemaker ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Going modified Calfo style overflow, 2 holes on each side skims the entire surface of the tank and drains on either side. Those 2 will drain into the intake of the sump. Then i'll have 1 line splitting into 2 coming out for a return. You know i havn't considered a closed loop until now. I suppose i could incorporate a closed loop with what i want to add more random flow....wouldn't take up that much room really. Especially since i will have no overflow box. I could just run flex tubing around the top of the tank. And do a setup like Melev. Melevsreef.com - Closed Loop

The overflow came from a guy on Nano-Reef. Its quite ingenious and really awesome, not your typical calfo overflow. I can't wait to set it up should work very well.

Looking at 2x 1" bulkheads and then have 3/4" returns. All i do know is i'd like to get at least 50-100 times turnover rate. From the top of the tank to the floor will be almost exactly 5ft. However take about 3" off of that because the sump sits 3" off the floor.

Zoas will be in the tank in a few areas, but this is gonna be my baby. I LOVE SPS heavy tanks...amazing.

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Its a competition now eh? you couldn have picked upa 41 gallon or a 39 or a 42. Nope, lets pick the same one as jump! GEEZ! lol jk haha yeah matt the only thing with the height of the tank, is that we only made the stand 30 inches tall. and im 6'5".(really) the only problem is if i want to see the top back of the tank say like a killer SPS that you donated to me cuz ur cool;) i would have to bend over to see it. but otherwise its really good. cant wait to see this tank up and running! my model tank now lol.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Haha! I did it just for you jump. ;) If i had some SPS frags to send i would! :p 6'5"? Damn!

Well i went to the LFS today, bought the tank and having them drill it...i'm not chancing it by doing it myself. I told them where i wanted the holes, and gave them some measurements, so lets see if they come through. Being that its an LFS i'm gonna bet its going to be off lol.