40 Breeder Build Log

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Lol bah to much revolving around....but yes basically done plumbing wise. All i have left is to actually drill a hole in the top of my stand for the pipes and glue everything. Dry fit is done. No pics as of yet though. Oh and i need to get the pump for the return.

My next task other then making the overflow and baffles for the sump is to hang the lights, or at least 1 of them since one is still on my 10gal. I need to explore my options with this one. Ideally i'd like them hanging from the celing with adjustable cords/chains but i might just have to build a big canopy to mount them in. Not sure yet. Could just run some metal pipe from the backside over the tank and hang them that way.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
IMO with pendants theres no other option than a canopy... only way id leave it open is if it was one of those all in one setups
btw why do u prefer open top? is it the look or heat? i left the back of my canopy open and between that and a fan my temps are stable ;)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Its moving slow i know. Its good this way though. Gives me time to think stuff through and do this right. The stand is done to the point i could fill up the tank if i wanted (no skin on the outside, just structurally secure) but still messing with plumbing and the sump.

I was recommended today that i go with 2 1" bulkheads draining into a single 1.5" drain line and then 3/4" return. Does this sound right? The reason being that a single 1" line feeded by dual 1" bulkheads will not be as fast of a drain and i'll slow it down that way. With 1.5" i will have a much smoother drain, which makes sense really. But should i look at making the drain 1.5"? Still a single 3/4" return line split into 2?

As for pumps for the return i was looking at either a Mag 7 or 9.5. That will give me 700-950gph return which i figure to be good. Please stop me if its overkill, or to little.

Still waiting to get glass cut, will probably be after the 4th when this happens. How tall should the baffles be in a 16-17" deep tank?

i would go with a mag 9.5 and gate valve to throttle it down if you dont like that much flow. Cuz i know 1" pvc can handle 600gph, and as long as you have the return pointing down the long part of the tank, it shouldnt cause a sandstorm, and you can even split it with locline if you wanted. for the drain i owuld go with 1.5" even 2" if your combining it, i would rather have more than enough room if i needed, rather than having just big enough pipe.

My sump is 14" tall, and i have the baffles 2" below the top,for you i would say 4" below the top, cuz with that much flow, your gonna have alot draining down when your return turns off. my .02

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
So since 1" PVC is rated at around 600gph, would i be better off getting a Mag 7 with 1" return or still go with a bigger pump, 1" returns and just put a ball valve in to adjust? The Mag 7 pumps 420gph at 5'. The Mag 9.5 does 750 at 5'.

I'll have powerheads in the tank as well so i'm not looking for all my turnover or water movement to come from this, just need it to work as a sump should ya know? lol


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u have 2 X 1" drains so thats around 1200 gph... if u go with a mag9 (and i would) after u consder the head factor in itll prolly be under 800 gph ;) as for the baffels im on my way out the door to work but when i get home later tonite (or afternoon since it looks like rain :D ) ill measure mine and get a few pics .... oh yea and i like the idea of having 2 seperate drains instead of just one so u could have one draining into each side of the sump like this: ->FUGE->RETURN<-SKIMMER<-


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
heres a pic of how i have my sump setup (55g) the fuge is on the left, return in the middle, and skimmer section to the right


Last edited:
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Ok i've redesigned my plumbing, sorta. Still using the same overflow idea, but i'll have 2 90 degree elbows turned down in the overflow. The water will then go almost straight down and T off lower then i originally planned (works better with gravity). On the back coming out of the bulk heads i am having a T and making a standpipe of sorts. All gravity fed and hopefully quiet. They'll merge into one and continue the same old plan.

I've got the glass measurements that i think will work out, just need to get over to the glass shop to see if i can get it cut and see how much it'd be.

I've decided on a canopy, just need to build it now. This might be an ongoing step and won't be there right when the tank is started. It'll be your basic canopy box with an open small end towards the wall. With a huge twist, i'll leave that for everyone to ponder. ;)