40 Breeder Build Log

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Progress, though not much....still progress. Finished up re-enforcing the stand and expanding it to where it can hold a tank up to 20". I have 1" of room on both sides of my tank. Still need to cut the top to size and attach it, and skin the stand...if i do that at all and then its done. I put the tank up there to give everyone an idea.

Tank on stand and my future "fish corner". Building a working area back there that extends across the wall with the Ready Marines poster on it. Sump will go along that wall, half under this stand half sticking out under the other work area.

Thanks Dawn.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
HAHA, nope nothing yet. I built the rest of the "sump stand". Its mainly just a small extension of the current stand that sits on the floor so the sump is supported while half of it sticks out from under the current stand.

My computer is busted right now (on laptop) so i'm gonna look into doing some plumbing work today, at least getting parts and the very least, making a list of parts i need.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'll probably work on plumbing tomorrow pending any setbacks. I know this is slow, but slow is good.

Looking at 2x 1" bulkhead intakes for the overflow and 2x 3/4" returns. I wish i could draw a picture for you to critique my plumbing...

I have 2 holes in the side of the tank. The coast to coast overflow will flow through these 2 holes and then merge as 1 and drop to the sump. The water will go through the sump and get to the return where it will be pumped back to the tank via a single line to an SCWD then split into 2. The skimmer will have water from the sump intake chamber pumped into it then dumped back into the sump.

I'm still unsure as to what size pump i need for the return. It needs to be able to pump up 4ft and keep a good gph that can benefit the tank.

just looked at the pics. dam. thats one thing i messed up on my tank with. i can only view it from one side. :( i really love the way ur tank looks with the multidimension. you have a whole new world of aquascaping by turning the tank 90 degrees. looking good! cant wait to see your overflow