Ok these are the ones i liked that said they werent overly agressive:
Johanni (Melanochromis johannii)
Elongate Mbuna (Pseudotropheus elongatus)
Hornet (Bumblebee) Cichlid (Pseudotropheus crabro) {{would love to get a pair of these}
Saulos's Mbuna (Pseudotropheus saulosi)
Electric Yellow Labido (Labidochromis caeruleus)
Fuelleborn's Mbuna (Labeotropheus fuelleborni)
Now as for the Kennyi im getting mixed reviews so il leave him out but those are the ones i like. Sense aquadvisor isnt good anymore lol, il let you help me stock it instead Misterking. The Fuelleborns Mbuna is 1 of what my moms friend has with her fish in the tank i described earlier. Now if any of these you think there is no chance will work rule them out, do some stocking work for me please and tell me what my fibnal plan should be, id only want a pair of The bumblee bee cichlid's if thats possible if not then lets do 1 of everything unless i can keep a pair of something easy to sex that wont be an issue. Sorry for such a long post but i want to get it right this time. We can discuss decorations later