

Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok would it be ok to do this: Psudotropheus acei, Bumbleebee cichlid, a yellow lab, a Red zebra and i really would like an Auratus and a Kenyi to. Would these fish work?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Aqadvisor says its on 63% stocked but with them both being male its to dangerous to add anything so its gonna be just them in the 10 gallon. Felix in his 5 gallon (wondering if i can add a pair of shrimp) and my 55 with Scooter and his friends.

A good report you did get from Aqadvisor.

When I did it, it started flashing and saying something about that I should not be allowed to have fish...


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Fishman I'm not sure TAL was lashing out.. I think it was a lighthearted way of saying they don't necessarily trust Aqadvisor. Correct me if I'm wrong! Don't leave the forums and don't think anyone's lashing out, everyone's trying to give you the best advice we can.

Again with the kenyi and auratus, they're quite aggressive. If the tank was a bit bigger then maybe but they tend to cause havoc in smaller set-ups. Why not just bump up numbers of the others? Research them to see which is most peaceful and have a few of them. Remember to include lots of rockwork to hide in like in the pictures I linked you, it should help curb aggression.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok these are the ones i liked that said they werent overly agressive:
Johanni (Melanochromis johannii)
Elongate Mbuna (Pseudotropheus elongatus)
Hornet (Bumblebee) Cichlid (Pseudotropheus crabro) {{would love to get a pair of these}
Saulos's Mbuna (Pseudotropheus saulosi)
Electric Yellow Labido (Labidochromis caeruleus)
Fuelleborn's Mbuna (Labeotropheus fuelleborni)

Now as for the Kennyi im getting mixed reviews so il leave him out but those are the ones i like. Sense aquadvisor isnt good anymore lol, il let you help me stock it instead Misterking. The Fuelleborns Mbuna is 1 of what my moms friend has with her fish in the tank i described earlier. Now if any of these you think there is no chance will work rule them out, do some stocking work for me please and tell me what my fibnal plan should be, id only want a pair of The bumblee bee cichlid's if thats possible if not then lets do 1 of everything unless i can keep a pair of something easy to sex that wont be an issue. Sorry for such a long post but i want to get it right this time. We can discuss decorations later :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
That's a nice list. But I can't tell you what to get (though I'm flattered you'd put that trust in me!), just advise what I think would work if I were personally doing it! And as for aqadvisor, it's good to go by in terms of stocking lists. If one of those species isn't on there you can always pm the creator (who is on here, can't remember the name unfortunately!) and suggest it to be put on - they update it fairly often.

For now, having read up (I'm a but rusty on my mbunas nowadays, it's been a while), that does seem like a nice list with your acei in there. Might be best to google bumblebee cichlids as I'm not sure how to sex them. As I said though, it's entirely up to you :) I'm just here to advise not dictate.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Also just another note....Tal did say that I shouldn't be allowed to have fish not YOU fishman. I don't think it was targeted at you at all.
When I did it, it started flashing and saying something about that I should not be allowed to have fish...
Good job Fishman on doing your research and congratz on the new large tank!!