55 Reef Chronicles


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
The ones I have expand to about the size of a saucer.....they are pretty big. But I still only have 4.....the same number I started out with. I'm too scerd to frag.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Update: everything doing well, feather duster lost his crown and seems to be growing a new one, and I got a "14,000" K bulb for my other halide but it looks kinda green. Tank looks much better with it, but its a really strange 14K. Well I guess thats what I get with coralife.... my hamilton 14K is amazingly crips blue. Oh well, it looks better than it did before, the transition from side to side is more seemless. Corals grew a ton, too. Have to take pics soon.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Its been bout a year since I reported how the tank is doing. Been very busy lately, got my old job back at the fish shop full time, and needless to say I am getting the tank rolling again with all the hookups lol. Corals are growing beautifully, got some new stuff, rescaped the rock, the tank looks much different than last time I posted pictures, everythings grown in, picked up a school of chromis and a derasa clam (yes, I hope it gets huge)... Ill post pics when I get the chance. In the near future I plan on building a canopy and either selling one of my halides to get another one that matches better and rigging up some retrofit actinic t-5s or just selling both halides and my skimmer which I dont need and going with a sunlight supply 6 bulb tek light t-5 fixture, whatever ends up being more feasable cost wise. Hopefully I can get a good deal on one of those fixtures I am very impressed with the capabilities of t-5s and have seen them comparable to halides in growing capability, if done right. Really wish I had more width to work with, but I cant upgrade tank size anytime soon.

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sure if you have enough light getting to them. I've seen a lot of shallow tanks benefit from T5s. With deeper tanks you'll want as many T5 bulbs as you can get over it just to get down to the depth of the tank. But depending on placement of the livestock and # of bulbs, you can grow clams/SPS with T5s.