55 Reef Chronicles


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
lol thanks lorna and MM....yes it is a sad ending to a beautiful creature. i am always a bit queasy about disposing of dead animals. when my domino damsel died, i think my boyfriend flushed it for me or something...

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Update: the yellow tang dissapeared when I was on vacation. NO trace of it, dont know what happened. If there was a body surely its long since been eaten by my inverts. Thinking of another tang, a solerensis wrasse and a male lyretail anthias to eventually add to the tank, all I have now is the clarkii clown and the coral beauty.

Today I rearranged the rock in the tank, gave it that 2 separate 'islands' surrounded by a narrow 'channel' look, I think it looks great. Forgive the brightness of the photos.


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Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
The tank itself has been up for... hmm. Maybe a year, I cant remember. But everything in the tank was in my old tank, which was set up a couple years before that so it has some time under its belt.

I am running a 150w 10,000K mh pendant on the left side, and a 250w 14,000K mh pendant on the right side.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
dbacks- well, every once in a while Ill add B-ionic but thats maybe once a month. I used to dose strontium and magnesium, sometimes Ill toss some in but havnt in a long while. I do weekly water changes and the Ca level is usually at 450, and I use the cheap stuff: Deep Ocean salt... kinda crazy. And I stopped using RO water since Ive set up this tank, there must be something good in my tap. I will be upgrading to tropic marin once my bucket is empty (very close to it), and I wonder how that will affect the growth.

Lisa, I think I remember you showing me pic of those mushrooms a while back. Within the past few months the growth rate of mine skyrocketed, they are getting huge, and splitting left and right. About time, Ive had them since my old tank.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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to get good pressure i use a laser cutted steak knife. Ok it's better to use a straight blade but it worked...with 2 mush i had like 13..dunno 'cause i traded/gave some. Still i have 8 left.
Scary/interesting thing about those mush : When you put 'em out of the water or play with 'em, they have the habit of almost spitting their guts...just like 50% of it comes out...then when things are back to normal, they simply "swallow" it back.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Interesting you say that, the first time I tried fragging them all their guts did spill out, I thought I killed them, but nope, everything was back to normal in a little while. Steak knife, eh? I'll have to try to frag them sometime.