5gal. Nano Reef Construction

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
alright so its update time......w00+ first live stock, right now the tank contains:
1 Whelk Snail
4 Astrea Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
4 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Pom Pom Crab (Hitchhiker, I plan to get another soon)

One Frag Of Hariy Mushrooms
One Neglecta Mushroom Head

im really happy with how the tank is turning out, I did lose one head on the hairy shroom rock, but i still have anotehr 20 or so. the Neglecta looks really good, but a Hermit was bumping into it rigt before i took the piks so its a bit closed up, currently im looking for some place to get some nice Zoas, as all i can find around here are real common and boring colourations, im looking for either a Red, or some Zoa with red and another dark colour (kind of like Fire & Ice) also i would like something to contrast the shape and colour of the shrooms i have, hopefully ill find something nice that will work with my tank. lol

so here are the piks

Tank Shot:

Shroom Rock:

(I dont have a pik of the Neglecta as its pretty boring as its closed up)



Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
sorry about the lack of updates....but my tank crashed...yes already my shroom rock wasent happy it seems as most all of the heads died overnight and semi-nuked the tank, the other losses where 2 hermits and both my Nass. Snails, so its time to start over well kinda...im now in the process massive repetative w/cs and the corals that survived are in a 'QT' Bowl lol and im hoping i can save them with my limited resources. i was talking to local reefer and he told me that seattle water, though decent for reefs (only 30ppm TDS) doesnt seem to be very friendly to shrooms at all, so now i REALLY need an RO/DI...argh

