alright so its update time......w00+ first live stock, right now the tank contains:
1 Whelk Snail
4 Astrea Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
4 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Pom Pom Crab (Hitchhiker, I plan to get another soon)
One Frag Of Hariy Mushrooms
One Neglecta Mushroom Head
im really happy with how the tank is turning out, I did lose one head on the hairy shroom rock, but i still have anotehr 20 or so. the Neglecta looks really good, but a Hermit was bumping into it rigt before i took the piks so its a bit closed up, currently im looking for some place to get some nice Zoas, as all i can find around here are real common and boring colourations, im looking for either a Red, or some Zoa with red and another dark colour (kind of like Fire & Ice) also i would like something to contrast the shape and colour of the shrooms i have, hopefully ill find something nice that will work with my tank. lol
so here are the piks
Tank Shot:
Shroom Rock:
(I dont have a pik of the Neglecta as its pretty boring as its closed up)
1 Whelk Snail
4 Astrea Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
4 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Pom Pom Crab (Hitchhiker, I plan to get another soon)
One Frag Of Hariy Mushrooms
One Neglecta Mushroom Head
im really happy with how the tank is turning out, I did lose one head on the hairy shroom rock, but i still have anotehr 20 or so. the Neglecta looks really good, but a Hermit was bumping into it rigt before i took the piks so its a bit closed up, currently im looking for some place to get some nice Zoas, as all i can find around here are real common and boring colourations, im looking for either a Red, or some Zoa with red and another dark colour (kind of like Fire & Ice) also i would like something to contrast the shape and colour of the shrooms i have, hopefully ill find something nice that will work with my tank. lol
so here are the piks
Tank Shot:
Shroom Rock:
(I dont have a pik of the Neglecta as its pretty boring as its closed up)