65 Gallon Journal

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Well, I think it's about time to start a journal. I'm starting to consider the stocking list and here is what I have:

Mandarin - obviously not first, but I do want one again.
Dwarf Angel - not sure what kind yet. I had a coral beauty before...
Clown pair?



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I've said it before and will repeat.....I have a pygmy angel and he is a model citizen. I especially like the vibrant colour of the dark blue with yellow face.... I also recently picked up a nice little yellow coris wrasse that is a great little fish also and I would go with a shrimp/gobie pair

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot about the shrimp/gobie pair, thanks Lorna. I'll have to look into a pygmy angel. Do you keep him in your 75? Definitely on my list. Here is a pic of my stand. It's not quite done yet, but it'll be constructed by the time I pick up my tank. Then I need to find my 15 gallon sump and start plumbing. I'm so excited to get a tank started up again.

Think I could have a blue tang?


Got the tank!

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Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I'm getting ready to order the return pump, tubing, and sand. Do you think I can reuse my RO/DI filters? They have been dry for a few months is all.


Just order the remaining items to get my sump up and running. Also got hew bulbs and the sand. (Thanks for the check President Bush). Although, I did forget to get a bucket of salt. Oh well, I'm sure there will be a few more little things I need. I just need to get a few pounds of LR to kick off a cycle.

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
seconding Lotus on the tang. I have my pygmy in my 29g. He is a great little fish and never nips any corals...... :) he lives in there with the shrimp/gobie pair, a citron gobie, a yellow coris wrasse.....

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I know i know... they are just one of my favs. Wish I could get a mini one and have it stay mini. I searched liveaquaria.com last night on possibly candidates! My updated stocking plans are:

Dwarf angel
maybe a clown pair again
possibly a peaceful wrasse

I'm definitely going to go with a small clam. What species would be best? I know I have to wait for my tank to get well established first.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
there is no such thing as a small clam, the smallest of the tridacnas is the t. crocea (my avtar) it gets about 8 inches in length but is the most demanding of the clams on light. You need metal halide lighting and need to place it on rock as it is a boring clam and will bore into the rock to gain a foothold. I suggest placement on a small flatish rock and once it is attached move this rock to where you want it.....that way you can move it. If it doesn't like where it is it will throw itself from it's perch which is somewhat stressful for it. These clams under 3" in size need to be supplemented with dts etc by taking them out and placing them in a dish to feed........ good luck! Oh and the others can grow by more than 10" a year to a massive size and deplete ca like sipping coke.....(I also have a 10" derasa)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lookin good! IMO looks way better with the fuge under the tank rather than on the side like yur old 55g :p lol
i know u said it 18' wide but what are all the dimensions? yur using yur old sieos right? what about the skimmer? what bulbs are u running in the mh's?

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Hey... I didn't have a choice..

The other equipment is what I had on my 55. bakpak 2 skimmer, which upgrade as soon as I can. I did mod the skimmer with a maxi-jet 1200 so that improves it some. I still haven't decided on a good replacement yet.

I'm still running the 2 seios m620s, but will upgrade those to either 1 or 2 koralias. I get a good return water flow so I was able to get ride of 2 maxi-jet I used to run. The MH are my old 10k XM 250w bulbs. I only ran them for about 6 months before I had to move so they should still be good for a bit. I did buy new VHO lights though for actinics. I got my ATO working last night and tweaked it to keep the proper amount of water in the tank.

The overall dimensions are: 36 x 18 x 24. I could only wish for a 18' tank! The height is a little annoying, but I like the additional room. I didn't get the rocks in last night, but I hope to this week. Then I need to buy some more rocks. I'm thinking an additional 30 or so lbs of rock so I will have a total of 120 to 130 lbs of rock. I started making RO/DI water last night so I'm just about ready to go.


Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I don't even know what I would do first on a 300g. Maybe build an addition to my house!

Well, here is the first rock layout. Keep in mind i'm ordering about 40 more lbs.

Please excuse the mess in the background. I'm in the process of building a shed to put it all in. I have 3 tons of dirt/stones coming tomorrow!

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I adjusted it a little bit... I decided to drill the rocks and put PVC in place to hold them. So I wasn't able to get them quite the same. Very similar though.

I'm going to try to put a rock or two by themselves too. For GSP or something I don't want to spread everywhere.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lol i am puting an addition on my house just for the tank :p it sucks that the tank wont be up and running till the addition tho .... itll be peace of mind tho just knowing i have it sitting here lol, this gives me all the time in the world to plan things out ;)