Okay a bit of further information for you......tube anemones are not true anemones.
Ceriantharians (tube anemones) do not go well in small aquaria with many species of numbers of fishes. Their habit of shedding stinging cells appears to be problematical. Dwarf Angels (genus Centropyge) and many other coral reef fishes cannot be kept with them for long. Slow moving species like the tube-mouthed fishes (Seahorses, Pipefishes), Mandarins (Synchiropus), et al. soon become costly food items. Damselfishes and monodactylids (Moonfish, Fingerfish) are cited as good company. Keep in mind that tube anemones are nighttime feeders for the most part. Tube anemones are not symbiotic with Clownfishes! They will gladly eat them and other hapless subjects if presented the opportunity.
Tube anemones are filter feeders; offering them large, meaty foods is contra-indicated; don't do it. Twice weekly feedings of live, frozen or macerated prepared foods circulated about and onto their tentacles while particulate and skimmer filtration is arrested is sufficient. More frequent, smaller feedings are better than the reverse. So NO SHRIMP.