8 Gallon Nano Journal


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
OK well the other day i got some chaeto online to try and reduce my high nitrates until i get my RO unit.
anyway, on the chaeto there were a few small anemones. I got a few pics but they are only about 1-2cm big so they are very hard to photograph. And iam 99.9% sure that these are not aiptasia because i have one on my rock and they look completly different from eachother.
can anyone id?



Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
OK update! changed the rocks...once again :p. Now i can get to the glass much easier. There isnt a big cave or anything now, but there are still lots of little crevices for things to hide. The red slime algae has GONE FINALLY!! i did a w/c the other day and just wiped it alllllllll off and its been about a week and it hasnt come back. Im not sure if it has to do with the chaeto absorbing some of the nitrates or the algae bloom is over, but which ever way im really happy!!

Also, im ordering my clown and other fw fish either today or tomorrow, so they will be here monday.
updated pic:

(dont worry the rocks are all stable :p)

oh and i put on a dark blue background :)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
WOW i havent updated this thread in a while...

About the clown....i recieved him ages ago, but unfortunatley he was dead. I got my money refunded and they said they VERY rarely get people saying fish have died, so i must of got an unlucky one.

Nothing much has changed, i ordered 2x 24w T5 compact lights on monday so hopefully they will come next mon or tues. I didnt want to get the halide because they are really big and it would look really ugly above my tank.

I have just this minute won a STUNNING green ric on ebay. Got it for £12.50 which is around $23 USD so thats not too bad. The pic of the ric in the pic is a really neon bright green color and immediatly thought it obviously was taken under halides, but i emailed him and he said the pic was taken under 2x 39w T8's!! and i thought it was amazing that the ric could look so intense under that kind of low lighting...so yeah i cant wait to get that.
If my lights dont come by the time i get my ric then im sure it will survive a couple of days (max) under my 18w T5 compact. If it dosent look good or something i will use my other light from other tanks for it :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
OK well i've just bought my clown! :D they didnt have any false percs so hes a true perc (or so they were labeled). Hes about 1.5 inches and hes doing great in the tank :)
I noticed that in the tank at the lfs, him and his other clownfish tankmates are a yellow colour. Is that normal? do they get more orange with age or something?
anyway heres a couple of pics, the flash makes him look alot more orange that he really is


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