90 Gallon Step by Step Setup Guide and Running Log


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
Dude things are looking great and that seems like a great list. I'd have to say I'm slightly envious. Such a cool process your going through. I can't wait to see it when its all mature.

Um.......lets just hope though that your tank works better then your Pony's :( . That had to be rough. The Pipe worker scored me a -3 on the fantasy circuite, wasn't to happy with that. But its only week one. They will rebound. My birdies didn't look good by any means, we just happened to squeek out a 'W'. Good luck with the tank and Go Jake Plummer.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well because my lfs store over charger beyond the point where I can bring myself to pay it (im talking over 100 dollars more on one fish I want, and 50 on corals... makes more sense to order online.) However thi sis increasing my wait time so I m hoping to have my clowns and tang (and a frogspawn or something similar for the clowns to hopefully host in) asap, followed by the long nose hawk and the magnificent foxface followed by clams and corals.

Also on a side note I realized today my auto top off isnt working and had evaporated a load without me knowing. I have no idea whats wrong and Im gonna disassemble the aqualifter to see if its the problems or the top dose.. It was working fine and boom. The aqua lifter is on my lights ballast which can get hot so I may have fried it so Im hopng thats the case which owuld be a relativly easy fix.. I cant be doing top offs by hand at this rate so a auto is neccessity for me to fix!

Yea week 1 was a fricken disgrace to Broncos football (as was week 2 but atleast we got a W out of the hole debockle.) All I can say is be afraid of the Broncs D be very afraid.. And as soon as Jake Plummer gets his head out of his *** like he did last year and goes 250 something passes with no ints well be fine.. AFC West Champs, AFC Champs, Superbowl Champs here we come..

But before that I gotta do something about my damn Fantasy team for MF, multiple weeks starting non playing w/rs and im 0-2 :( damn gotta fix this! Thats right I want revenge Camaro! :D

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Update for Fish

Well today I went into my lfs just to see what they had (was hoping just for a good find) and too my dismay I actually found something I was willing to purchase.

I ended up purchasing a pair (sold as a pair) of true percula clownfish. THese were the fish I knew I would be adding first and when I saw the pair I couldnt pass it up. There color is amazing and they are looking beyond healthy and vibrant. One is about 3-3 1/2 inches while the other is more around 2 (which is expected in pairs and hopefully in the future a mating pair :))

THe only thing I am dissapointed about is I was hoping to have some type of coral for them to reside in for the time being but there was no way I was spending 99$ on a small frogspawn or plate coral. I will be ordering my first few corals online when I purchase my powder blue or brown (cant decide which one but probably blue since the magnificent foxface would look more like the brown..)

thats all for now I will try to get some pictures of them up but I may wait until tommorow. However I will try to feed them tonight and if I do I will turn the lights on and get some pictures if possible.

now I have to think of a name (sw fish are easy to name so shouldnt be hard)

and I would like to add that as I was checking out a women behind me who was buying a 18 inch light for her daughters light instantly said oo my daughter is begging for those fish, and a dory but I keep saying that it wont work. So nemo lives strong!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey

heres the best picture I could manage with my crappy digital camera. Was taken with lights off and a flash (didnt want to take to many flashes so staye dlow on the photo count)

the one on top is the smaller male and the bottom one with less black bars is the big female. Im hoping there bars grow in a little more but if they dont its ok.

yea I never named my freshwater fish but when the fish are so distinctive and easy to name I like to try. I dont hink Ill name all of them but pairs of fish are always fun to give like linking names (like jack and daniel, or cuff and link, and so on) The bigger fish like the tang I probaly wont name but just tell my girl firend I named it after her and hoepfully she thinks the pretty fish turley has her name ahaha, Im not evil am I?)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well I was pretty bored Camaro so I tried this out:
Camera batteries died so I couldnt get a better video (took this last night as a joke) so isnt best viddeo quailty or timming but its more of a joke nothing seriouse ahah)

Live Stock - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

On a side note I fed some mysis last night and they devoured it. THe larger femals appetitie is rediculouse. THe male is more subtle and eats a little bit but gets put to shame by his significant other...

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Update For Fish

Well I got a new fish today (ordered him on Sunday) and here he (or she) is

This is a more freaky looking picture of the Powder Blue but thought it was interesting (he is damn fast so pictures are hard)

Im thinking about going to the beach for sand because the bare bottom is pissing me off with debris settling on it. I just cant get it all and when I do vaccum it comes back. I may just get a couple of buckets from my local beach.

Thats about it for now. He is already picking at the rocks (hasnt touched the algae sheet yet) so Ill be keeping an eye on him to make sure he gets nice and fat.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I would stay away from beach sand. You just don't know what is in it. If you don't want expense just head off to your local Home Depot or Lowes and get some play sand.....it will work fine and it is cleaned and sterilized.

Your fish look great. Personally my two clowns are named.....

Clowny 1 and Clowny 2 , I did have a George Clowny but he passed......and was replaced with Clowny 2


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea I had pruchased playsand when I had my 20, but then I heard somewhere that homedepot stopped carrying playsand (and I didnt see any when I was at home depot. I will chekc next time and if they dont will check on Lowes as your probably right the play sand would be easier)

And as for size Ares, a little from column A and a little from column B :D. Thats a 1100 seio and the fish is about 3-3 1/3 inches (purchased as a small specimin)

And on update he is laying down the law on a algae sheet I put in there. Also clowns are still getting used to not being the sole occupants in there spaciouse home. At first they were petrified of him and then I saw the male start nipping at the Tangs fins (but it has subsided.) I dont expect any problems with these fish but I will keep a eye on it.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
see i got started into fish keeping when i saw my first Picasso trigger fish, i imediately got started in freshwater after seeing that, in hopes of learing enough to start a saltwater tank, and lately i been thinking i dont want to go through the expense and hastle of keeping a salty tank, then i see fish like your powder blue and want a salt water tank again, UGHH