90 Gallon Step by Step Setup Guide and Running Log


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
thanks guys.

Yea I have salifert test kits on the way (for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite, and hopefully pH) I wasnt planning on buying them but I dont suspect I wil be able to get my hands on a aquacontroller to watch certain levels for me for a while so I had to get them.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea I should be ordering the new bulbs in a month or two when halides need replacing.

Yea I wanted to have free range on corals and inverts so I went with the halide. I really want a unique carpet anenome and nice clams among others all of which will come in due time (upcomming years :D)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I wanted to get atank with the lights on so I snapped one after setting up my auto top off. I didnt take a picture from higher to lower so you cant make out the front caves but the rocks in the front make some nice rock caves and interesting swimming space for the fish. For some reason the picture is still darker than I would like so the tank looks a little darker than it is.

I broke down my 20l the other day and its going to now be my quarantine tank (almost went prop tank route but this way I can sell my 36 in pc light :D ) Those are the powerheads I used in the 20 l and just kept them in for the time being, wont be using all of them if a treat a sick fish **knocks on wood** or maybe I will if I QT prior to intorudcing to display. You can see the encrusting snails on the powerheads and the bleaching coraline on powerheads and back left glass.

I had very little room for a reservoir for the auto top off so I ad to go with this. Its not astheticly pleasing by any means but gets the job done and makes my life incredibly easier. I plan on building a custom stand in woods this year (free supplies :D) so I will be allowing for my true needs to be answered (added room for a possible calc reactor and reservoir space..

This is the line that runs from the aqua lifter to the sump for the top off. Also dont mind the skimmer as I was tweaking it so it produced alot of foam and didnt realize it until I looked at the picture. Its not producing resonable foam

~Until Next Time


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
if I am QTing a new specimin I will but if I need to treat a illness **knocks on wood** then no.

I am hoping to build a more accesible and convienient stand so hopefully the comes about


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
'I plan on going bare bottom for level of care purposes and had a opinianted question. I was reading that with barebottom tanks it is vital to have mass amounts of flow to keep debris from settling on the bottom and decaying. I saw somewhere it say the turnover rate should be like 60-80 times the tank volume (Im at 39 and thought this was high) and that you need to skim wet to succesfully pull off a bare bottom (and reap its benefits) Any truth to this?'
To some extent, but rather than aiming at a number, aim to keep all your debris in suspension - if you see it settling in a corner then you know you're underflowed. This is the sort of situation where a tunze wavebox is very useful as they throw all the debris up into the water column, without causing a washing machine effect. Any other surge device like a Carlson Box Surger will do just as good a job. But as I am sure you know (or will when you research) these surge devices have downsides (cost, practicality in your lounge).
Be aware that even though by using high flow, and wet skimming you can pull out most of your organics you will still need to deal with nitrate as marine fish excrete lots of straight ammonia, and the skimmer will not remove this



Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea eyeing it really has to be the way to go as theres not a set number per tank, per stocking list, I dont know how I didnt see that before.

Tunzes would be ideal but I have done some research on them and instantly hit a large obstructing factor, insane cost ahah.

Plan for the future: new larger skimmer (for ease of mind), debris settling prevention (after first w/c this weekend Im hopinh to have a pristine bb,) Routine water changes (either once a week or bi-weekly but guessing it will be weekly without a dsb and as you said straigh fish ammonia release) and aquality clean up crew (arriving today) to prevent as much debris from settling as possible.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well my cleaners came today and as I type this there floating in tank to adjust temperature then Ill start adding tank water in shot glass incriments.

THis is what I got:

12 blue leg hermits
20 Scarlet Reef Hermits
36 Astrea Snails
1 emerald crab (to make 2 in the tank)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well I have been giving it much consideration and was thinking of stocking ideas and wanted some opinions and critiques (I can mislead myself and mentally talk myself into something even if its not athe best idea :D) So here it goes and opions wanted (overstocked, dangerouse combos, let me know what ya think)

Possible Stocking List

1) 2 true percs (want them to host in a anenome or frogspawn, Im a sucker for clowns)
2) Royal Gramma
3) Long Nose Hawk Fish (I may scratch this idea because dont want to have to put on egg crate for this guess possible carpet jumping abilities)
4) Magnificent Foxface (who I would call Venom :D)
5) Either a Powder Brown Tang of a Gold Rim tank

that would be it. At first I never thought about putting another fish in the tank with the tang with comparible size but the magnificent foxface is truely a magnificent fish (pun intended) and really intrigues me but I love tangs too much to not put one in.

Any comments appreciated (keep in mind these would be added slowly to the tank)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Looking good OCC, I am looking forward to seeing pics of the final stages!

I had so much fun building my new system a few months back... almost want to do it again, but that will have to wait a few years till I get a house one day.
yea building tanks is such a fun and rewarding process (except when your cursing the existance of aquariums when something goes astray ahah)

Even though I love building them getting ready to start stocking with some cool fish has me pretty excited as well.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
kevin4052002 said:
Magnificent Foxes are AWESOME!
yea they are I really couldnt pass up the consideration they are truely stunning.

Im gonna repost the possible stocking list because I dont know if it looked like the latest post they way I Had it before so any suggestions on it are

Possible Stocking List

1) 2 true percs (want them to host in a anenome or frogspawn, Im a sucker for clowns)
2) Royal Gramma
3) Long Nose Hawk Fish (I may scratch this idea because dont want to have to put on egg crate for this guess possible carpet jumping abilities)
4) Magnificent Foxface (who I would call Venom :D)
5) Either a Powder Brown Tang of a Gold Rim tank

any critique would be appreciated


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I would keep the hawk fish, Every tank I have seen them in they look great, and they occupy the middle/bottom of the tank, you should cover it anyways, it really is better than having a clown you've had for x amount of time jump out for no reason...I had my clown jump one night, I just happened to be there, it was right before they started laying eggs...the rest of the stocking list looks great!