lighting question
I have two seperate lighting systems on the nano setup ive started, one with 20watts of fluorescent, the other with 30watts of 50/50 fluorescent lighting, what type of corals can i eventually grow in this? The box for the two 15watt 50/50's said that 10watts = about 50watts of incandescent, if thats the case i think i can grow some mushrooms and some gsps, but im unsure of what type of lighting i need for corals. Any advice would be great
thanks in advance
camaro, thats a run-of-the mill dynaflow 10gal filter. No filter media, just some floss to help the bacteria colonize, it moves the water around well enough, but i might throw another one on
I have two seperate lighting systems on the nano setup ive started, one with 20watts of fluorescent, the other with 30watts of 50/50 fluorescent lighting, what type of corals can i eventually grow in this? The box for the two 15watt 50/50's said that 10watts = about 50watts of incandescent, if thats the case i think i can grow some mushrooms and some gsps, but im unsure of what type of lighting i need for corals. Any advice would be great
thanks in advance
camaro, thats a run-of-the mill dynaflow 10gal filter. No filter media, just some floss to help the bacteria colonize, it moves the water around well enough, but i might throw another one on
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