a few pics of my 125g reef


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
most of the equipment is in my sig
the stocking list is as follows...
hippo tang
yellow tang
purple tang
pair of true percs
sleeper goby
watchman goby
neon goby
sixline wrasse

the tank is a mix of softies, lps, and sps... ive gotten really into sps over the past few months and luckily everythings been doing great! however by the time this tank is a year old i plan to upgrade to a 200g + so watch out for that! ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
sure does....before i got it i always had diatoms, and i even had hair algea starting to grow in a few spots. it prolly took a month for it to all be gone completly .... it was $100 well spent ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
there r many differant types of p04 removal media.... after researching it what i found was that "rowaphos" was the best stuff out ther so thats what i used, when u test and find p04 present its time to switch it out.... ive had it running for a few months now and though i still have 0 phosphates i think its almost time to clean it out and get some more rowaphos...


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
thats the next piece of equipment on my list ;) after seeing few differant local reefers tanks that have one and talking to them 2 of them said it was there best investment in the hobby and the differance is defenitly noticable.... however both these tanks where mostly sps and IMO a cal reactor is only necesary when u have alot of sps since they take up so much calcium


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well the tank is a year old! ive had somethings die, somethings multiply... even though i already bought my new 300g tank and this one will only be setup for a matter of months ima post a few picks :D (btw ive had the tank for 3 years but converted it from FOWLR to reef a year ago ;) )

ill start off with a FTS

heres a shot of the center of the tank

looking in from the right side

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yellow watchman goby that ive had about a year and a half (tripled in size)

ive had this green finger leather well over a year and it started as a small frag with like 3-4 fingers, now its bigger than my hand!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
back at the end of september i went away for a week to NC and some how my cats knocked the plug out of the wall and it was a few days before the house sitter realized :eek: i came home expecting the worst but suprisingly all the fish were fine aswell as most of my softies/lps how ever over 15 sps frags all gone :( i was pretty bummed and for about a month i didnt touch the tank but over the past few weeks ive gotten my tank back to where i can look at it and actualy be happy when i see it! :D ive done a bunch of water changes, reaquascaped, got new bulbs, new frags, and a few new fish so i figured its time to update this thread ;)

for starters heres a FTS

left side


right side


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
heres a pic of my beast of a skimmer :cool: this thing is on the loud side since im running it outside my stand but it skims the crap outa my tank so ill deal with it lol.... the rubbermaid container is my topoff resivour which i use to mix my kalk (mrs wages) to keep my cal/alk/ph in check, i use the aqualifter pump along with a float valve in my sump to keep everything stable

my stocking list as of now is:
huge hippo tang
purple tang
blue jaw trigger
sixline wrasse
pair of percs
yellow watchman goby
and soon to be mystery wrasse! *BOUNCINGS

my equipment list is:
2 x 250w metal halides
blue lunar lights
Po4 reactor
koralia #3, koralia #4, modded maxijet1200 (i got 2 of these but i think one is enough lol)
my reef creations MR-2 protien skimmer with a panworld 150 pump
i use a coralife dual timmer to control mh's,fuge light, and lunars
autotopoff.com dual switch ATO with aqualifter pump/18g resivour
2x65w pc's over my 55g sump/fuge i have to harvest a grocery bag full of cheato every month of it will actually stop the flow in the fuge lol
i used to have T5's for my actinics but didnt notice much of a differance other than dusk/dawn so i traded them for frags :p
im sure im leavin some stuff out but i got the main things.... when i add stuff up off the top of my head ive spent going on $6000 on this setup but id say every penny was worth the hours of enjoyment i get (just dont tell the wife how much ive spent! :p )

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
you know when you first posted your tank meltdown I thought the worst. It looks pretty darn good considering and will again shine I am sure. It is of course a work in progress and is constantly changing....good luck you are on the right track.......