agelfish are aggressive?


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
are fresh water angelfish aggressive? if so could i get tiger barbs with them... also what other fish could i mix em wit..

and what is a "red devil"


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Yes Angels are a cichlid and are considered Semi-Agressive. However Barbs in general are nippy fish and putting them in with fish with long fins such as an Angel are not a good idea. They will nipand pick the fins till there is nothing left. Also it will cause alot of stress in the tank. A Red Devil is another Cichlid. These guys are more agressive than an Angel and get rather large.

Likes: Pure
Angelfish are semi-agressive. When they get to a good size, they will eat small fish like neon tetras. Don't put nippy fish with them like tiger barbs, because they will nip at their long fins. They also need a tank over 20g, because they can get sorta big. But the bigger the tank, the better.
You can keep other slow moving, peaceful fish with them. I advise not to put them with gouramis though.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I've seen one of my angels decimate an entire tank of adult male gups. Thank god that was the cull tank. :eek:

So yeah I'd say the eating of a neon is a very good possibility.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
DclownD said:
soo whats the general idea for angels? what could i get with them...
What size tank? As long as you just have one angel...there are tons of fish you CAN keep with them, they're not usually monsters :) Some are pretty tempramental...but they are a cichlid. We could give you some more ideas if we knew what kind of tank you were trying to put together.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
In a 30 personally I'd get 1 and then other fish to round the tank out. If you get two angels it is almost positive that one will pick on the other a lot of times 3 is better...but not always, and you dont have room for 3 in a 30 really. Possibly in the 50 but if its a "sometime in the future" tank its better not to plan for it yet :)

SO in a hypothetical 30g if you wanted an angelfish, I think I'd get a school of about 5 corydoras (maybe julii or one of the types that stays around 2inches), a big apple snail (mystery snail, whatever) a couple of ottos and then pick a school of a type of tetra or fish that isn't tiny...say some white skirt tetras or some scissortail or harlequin rasboras...about 5-7 of them. Thats what I'd do personally :) but there are a lot of fish you could pick from. If you want more ideas try checking out our profile section or browsing at your local petsmart and writing down some names of fish that catch your eye.


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
alright ill get one angelfish then... if they ever have them at petco lol... or petland... those are only 2 places i can get to fast... i need to wait for my package to even finish my 30g tank... and the 50 will pry wait till tax time as i could see it being expensive for a hood filter and other what nots for the tank... im gonna start buying the sunday news see if anyone is selling stuff for tanks...


Medium Fish
Jun 18, 2006
guppy_newbe said:
Eating Neons have never actually happened in a tank that I know of. They have been kept together many times.
I just started a 120 tank and had a full grown Angel that i put in with Gouramis, Zebra Danios, Cherry shrimp. She left the Gouramis alone, but ate all of my Cherry shrimp in 2 nights and then started going after the Danios. She is now by herself in quarantine till I get a new tank set up for her. If the tank is large enough you could put them with Gouramis, but it has to be at least 40-50 gallons for a couple of each and even then you could get agression between the species. I was also trying to figure out what I could put in her tank. It will be a 40 gallon high. So far my only though is a breeding pair of Kribensis. They get territorial while protecting their nests and young, but tend to be borttom dwellers. Any other suggestions?

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Whatever you get,

be sure to cycle your tank first. I assume that it's not yet cycled because you plan on bio-spira? Angels are sensitive to water conditions so, IMO, it would not be wise to make it your first fish. In case a spike occurs, I would get hardier fish in the first few months of establishing the tank. I think a few tetras were mentioned along with corycats.

I think nothing looks better than a well planted tank with fish occupying top, middle, and bottom sections. I wish you luck and when you're ready snap some pics too.