another step by step account


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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dbacksrat's step by step account

Hey everyone--after months of agonizing waiting and countless hours of labor (and a little allowance), the time has come to add the live rock to my tank
i am doing this step by step account because wayne's kind of inspired me, and maybe those of you who are interested would like another point of view as to how one would start up a tank....

equipment- HOT Magnum "Canister" filter w/ biowheel, seaclone protein skimmer, 2x hagen 301 powerheads, rena cal heater, and about 20 watts of NO flourescent lighting
i plan to upgrade the lighting to a 2x 65 or 55 watt PC fixture w/ simple DIY hood around christmas time
by the way, i also have all of the basics (test kits, salt, hydrometer, food, etc) so dont worry about that for now

Here we go---------------
9-7-04: after 3 hours of deliberation as to where the aquarium goes, we decide to move it into the already cramped family room...i forgot to rinse the sand before adding it into the tank, so i'll explain later
earlier in the day i went to safeway and filled two 3 gallon bottles with water that was supposedly purified w/ reverse osmosis and all kinds of other cool stuff--as soon as i added the water, i produced a rather nasty looking milk colored water (all kinds of dust from lack of rinsing)--there was also some plant matter, and i dont have a clue as to where it came from, as well as dog hair--my dog Zoe wanted to drink the salt water as i mixed the way, mixing salt water and getting it to the proper specific gravity was surprisingly easy
my mom ordered live rock for me from (lalo select uncured live rock) for $99.99 ($10 off!!!) plus an additional $35 for 2 day shipping...

9-8-04: the water looked a little better today when i got up for school--i finally installed and ran the filter before i ran out the door for school....
when i got home, the water had cleared up really nicely--i could see the background from nearly 35 feet away--but i made the mistake of aggrivating the sand, which stirred up dust as i installed the rest of the equipment
the live rock arrives on friday...i can hardly wait

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Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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ok everyone sorry i havent updated yet--i've been grounded, but maybe i'll be officially back online on thursday evening

i used some florida crushed coral (forget what brand) from petco--that's all i could afford

the live rock came last thursday--pretty crazy stuff
i'll have a full account of my past week's events concerning my tank tomorrow evening

i also found the digital camera, so there will be at least one picture


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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okay--right now i'm ungrounded--so i can now update all of you on the progress of my tank

Two weekends ago i saw a tan colored worm with a thick body and dark brown spots poking its head out of a hole, but he hasn't been seen since.
On Sunday evening I checked the specific gravity and it registered at about 1.032--I wonder what I killed. So much for paying $100 for live rock then treating it to death by osmosis.
I tested on Tuesday (9-21-04) and had very good results. Ammonia has fallen dramatically to 3.5 ppm, and nitrites are now detectable at a little over 5.0 ppm. The tank will have had live rock in it for two weeks from tomorrow.
I should be able to upload two or three pictures tomorrow--pray that I don't do anything stupid again get all internet privledges tanken away again...


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
uh yah...dont be a dumb *** and lose internet

to get that salinty down just replace a small portion of the SW with FW every day...after you replace a little, let the tank run through for a couple hours to ensure good mixing and then test to see where you are


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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while i physically beat my computer for being stupid, here are my water parameters
temp: 80 F
specific gravity: 1.022
pH: 8.0
ammonia: .25 ppm
nitrite: 5.0 ppm
nitrate: not worried about that yet

the tank has been running with live rock for exactly two weeks now...i have not seen anything alive lately, and the only thing i've seen is the worm i described earlier


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
#11 you've seen the worm you've seen one thing will take some time for stuff to start showing up on the rock. have patience. as far as reducing the image size you can use photoshop or similar...even MS Paint should be able to do it...or you can email them to me and i'll hook you up (


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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sorry, today in the mail i got a pamphlet from asu--i'm only a junior, but its about time to start looking at colleges
because of a wonderful thing called PARENTAL CONTROLS (anger no directed at you), i am not allowed to send any attachments or recieve any via email


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
my cousin was a mom was a wildcat...i was a bruin, so is my brother...PAC-10 kind of family I suppose. Now I live 30 min from

parental controls eh...have you been looking at porn? ;)

as far as the images, maybe you can upload them to freewebs and post them that way so you don't have to reduce them


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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yeah, now i'm gonna have to wait a week or so while i seed my filter pad--lucky i caught that
i also read an article in the december issue of tropical fish hobbyist about quarantine tanks--they said if the fish is small enough, water from a pre existing tank might have enough beneficial bacteria to provide enough biological filtration