Any fish to go with tetras?


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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Few little points to add. Ottos are not bottom feeders, if there is no algae for them to eat, they need something like algae disks or zucchini. Tetras CAN be beautiful and some exotic, dwarf gourami can be a bit plain in comparision sometimes, depends on your perception I guess. So many people want "beautful" fish, I don't know, I admire all of them for each of their own qualities. As much as we want certain things in our tanks, we have to follow what is best for the fish. The ideal tank is one that is big, beautiful, takes care of itself and all the fish get along. I would like seahorses, but don't have a marine tank. I would like a pleco that stays two inches, but I don't have a magic tank.
Not trying to come across harsh, I just mean that there are things we have to follow, not because they are the rules, but because these fish are alive and we can't adjust the rules because of that. Hoping I didn't start a "fight link" from this. People are giving advice because it was asked for and because they love fish, that's why we're all here....?


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
You are SO very right! None of us have magic tanks (or do we... ;) ) so sometimes we can't have EXACTLY what we want- I just wan something beautiful, available, easy to keep and colorful. Thanks for your fantastic advice!

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Jun 21, 2008
Are you being sarcastic? If you are, I'm not sure what you want from us. If not, you could maybe check out killifish, although I don't know how available or easy to keep they are. I'm not sure that exactly what you want exists, "beautiful, available, easy to keep and colorful". Views on beauty differ, you said you had trouble finding gouramis but they're pretty widely available, and what's easy to keep for one might not be easy for another. There are even varying opinions on colorful. So, we can make suggestions based on size, etc., but you're going to have to decide what you're willing to find, what you find beautiful, and what will work with your water conditions/maintenance schedule. For example, I love blue rams, but have had trouble keeping them, possibly because my water has a pretty high pH. What you can keep depends on a lot of factors.
Also, I just reread the beginning of this thread, and it seems like you haven't resolved your initial issues of having multiple schooling fish but not enough to school. Also, is your tank cycled yet? You might have it in another thread, but I don't remember. So, the solution might be to finish out your school, or return those and start over.

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Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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Designs, not to disagree with you AT ALL. Killis are so cool, I had bad experiences with them though. I looked in the tank to find a danio hanging out of the killi's mouth, like a giant cigar. This type of thing happened twice. Possibly the danio had already died, I'm not sure, but now I am nervous to have killifish! I know other people keep them with tetras though and seem to have no problem. Just thought I'd share that weird little story lol.

Jun 21, 2008
Violet - no problem. Hopefully I made it pretty clear in my post that I don't know much about them, I just know that some people really like them and they stay smallish, so thanks for that input. Yeah, that would be a hardcore fish to catch a danio, mine are speedy.

Jun 21, 2008
Ok, I just couldn't tell for sure from your post if you were tired of speculation and wanted someone to just tell you what to get, and your list of requirements did strike me as being kind of funny. Also, I can be sarcastic, so I tend to pick up on it sometimes, even when it's not necessarily there. But, you weren't, so I'm sorry if I offended you.
No, you're not being an idiot at all, we all want the specific fish that we want, they just don't always exist, unfortunately. Have you looked at killifish? They might be a possibility, although you'd have to research what kind to get. Gouramis might still be your best bet, maybe your LFS was just out of them the day you looked. Like I said, Rams are good, but the German Blues can be hard to keep alive and do better in an established tank, although I think emannuelchavez has said that the Bolivian Rams tend to be a bit hardier, so you could check those out too. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
That's OK, I'm often sarcastic, so it really dosen't matter- haha sometimes people think I'm sarcastic when I'm serious- you didn't offend me!
OMG, killifish are soooo gorgeous! I've heard of them, but didn't know what they looked like. Now I know, and WOW they are so beautiful! I originally wanted to get a beta, then I didn't want to risk getting an aggressive one. I find killifish are so colorful!
Are they easy to keep... I don't think they'd eat a tetra if I got one of the little 2 inch ones. I'm going to open a new thread in the killifish section, maybe... I llllllllloooovvvveeee the look of the blue ram. I thought they grew to be bigger, because the pics make them look huge! haha I hear their max size is 3". Is there an easier one, maybe very slightly smaller, like, 2.5 inches, or even better- 2 inches? I love the look of both, but the blue ram is my favorite so far. I'm not sure if I could supply the killifish's insect needs. I mostly feed my fish flake food, with the odd little treat of something "special". Is there a super-easy ram?? I'll have to open a thread in the chichilid section.
OOOHHH I see- you said bolivian rams where hardier, not harder! hahaha I thought you said harder! OK, I'll go check those out on google...
I don't think the Bolivians are for me. The site I saw said they grew to 4 inches, and I think that's a bit big, with those little tetras. I like the look and all, but they aren't that great.
Thanks soooo much! (I'm not being sarcastic ;) )


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Many. :)

You could probably find some by simply looking through the fish profiles right here at mft.

If you start reading about different kinds of fish, soon you'll get a better idea what you want. We really can't tell you what fish you want to put in your aquarium. If you have questions about a specific fish's requirements after reading up on that fish, then the experienced aquarists here can share their experiences with that fish.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hmmmm, I'm no expert, but I agree with what others have said. You should really look into getting your water sorted out first.

If your looking for a center peice fish what about a Paradise fish? They are very pretty. Might be a wee bit too big though, they can max out at 4inch. Dunno, if they would work with a school of tetras thought....are you planning of keeping them? Paradise would deffo not suit your current fish set up.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Well I don' t think I'll go for the apistos... pretty or not, it's best a healthy & happy fish, to a sad & sick one! I don't think I'll go for gouramis- I want a "centerpiece" fish- and they seem almost small to be a centerpiece. 3" is better I think.
I'm not going to get any more fish 'till I test my water... and the water's OK!
I am keeping the tetras.