Any fish to go with tetras?

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Pygmy cories are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!!!! I want to rush out and get some right now :D! I could probably get two or three, seeing as they're so small!!
Oh this is turning out so perfect! I have four fish in my school right now, so I could get:
One dwarf gourami (two inches)
Three pygmy cories (three inches maximum)

And I currently have four inches of fish, so it would work out so nicely!! :D :D :D
what do you all think??
your dwarf gouramis are probably going to get from 3-4 inches and regular gouramis most get up to like 6 inches. i used to have a opaline gourami, gold and pink kissing gourami and they all got very big, and the bigger they got the more aggressive they got. i had a neon blue dwarf gourami and they are very passive but i bought him at around 3 inches and he was still growing but got attacked badly because of the rest of the semi aggressive fish that i have. you could get a clown pleco, rubber lip pleco, Zebra Pleco, True (L-46) and they only get around 3 inches or a candy stripe pleco L-137,Starry Night Pleco (L-59), Hairy Tiger Pleco (L-105),Gold Banded Peckoltia Pleco (L-134), Angelicus Pleco (L-05) gets around 4" these would be some good bottom feeders. you would just have to do some research on each because each has a few different things that they like in their tank with them

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Pygmy cories are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!!!! I want to rush out and get some right now :D! I could probably get two or three, seeing as they're so small!!
Oh this is turning out so perfect! I have four fish in my school right now, so I could get:
One dwarf gourami (two inches)
Three pygmy cories (three inches maximum)

And I currently have four inches of fish, so it would work out so nicely!! :D :D :D
what do you all think??
also sounds like your kinda new at this so i would say dont go buy fish crazy because it is addicting and dont cram your tank up. i made that mistake and now i finally have an established tank that has been for like over a year and a half now.


Small Fish
Jun 1, 2009
If I was going to breed fish, I would only start with a few of that kind of fish, so I could keep some fry. I really want to get something new soon, because the neons are getting a bit boring- I find they have no personality (no offense to my neons :) ). It feels like there is no bottom feeder/algae eater that can be it's only kind in a tank!! It's sot of frustrating at times.
Well, the reason I want a centerpiece fish at three inches is because many bottom feeders are two inches, and aren't gouramis two inches as well? It would sort of take away from the "centerpiece" feel, don't you think? I may end up getting a gourami anyways, or a different bottom feeder that's smaller.
Is there a bottom feeder or algae eater that grows one inch? Then I could get two of them and get a gourami. I'll do some more research on the gourami then...
Try pygmy cories. My comment on gender is solely cuz cories like being in diffrent gender groups.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I can always buy the (pygmy) cories, then go figure out the center piece fish? I always try to keep within (or below) the 1-inch-per-gallon rule, so thanks so much for introducing me to this species! I was getting frustrated with all the bottom feeders being so large for a ten gallon!!
I'm going to do some research on some swordtails.
Thanks a bunch, CoryGuru!!


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
What about a mickey mouse platy? I used to have one named MIckey (how original ;) ) Well, seeing as Mickies are slightly rounder than regular platies, they work a bit better as a centerpiece fish... don't you think?
All you guy's imput has been very helpful!
How does this sound for my shopping list:
1 Mickey Mouse Platy
3 pygmy cories
Of course I would buy the Mickey Mouse Platy, then the pygmies (or the other way around)
How's it sound, everybody?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'd personally see a platy as a bit small for a centrepiece fish, they're 2 inches at most and do like to be in groups, at which point you have the imminent problem of reproduction unless you buy only males - females are likely to be already pregnant from the store, I've never seen a store separate males and females like they do guppies.

And I was asking more in the way of ammonia/nitrate/nitrite if anything due to your previous problems with randomly dieing fish, your pH sounds good though, can't really go wrong with neutral.

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Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Yeah they are kind of small... Maybe I should just forget the centerpiece fish and buy some more harlequins? What about
+3 harlequins
+1 neon.
That way I could have 2 pygmies and 2 schools of 4 fish.
I don't think it's fair to my current fish that they aren't in their schools like they should be... gotta go


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2006
I have Barbs with Tetras. The Corydora rome the bottom with a Reedfish / Ropefish in my aquarium. I also have 4 butterfly plecos and one miniature pleco. Lots of sand and plants to swim around. Thats whats in my fifty gallon. Just some ideas.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
OK I'm definetly going to go for
+1 neon tetra
+3 harlequin rasboras
+2 pygmy cories

Are pygmy cories fairly common in Fish stores?? If not, what should my plan B be? Should my plan B be forget the cories and go for another bottom feeder, or forget the bottom feeder altogether and get more neons and harlequins??