The problem, Fishman, is that apparently you don't read what other people do, write or have problems with. This whole forum is full of the pH thing -OC has repeatedly, along with many others, said not to mess with the pH. One of my initial questions on this forum(which was just after you joined) was about the fact my pH was well over 8.2 and Laura said not to be messing with it. And still you sound like you never heard about it. There is a thread I started on using Tetra Safe Start - it included a letter from the company that explained a lot of things - and I also mentioned it in a post directly to you - I have always wondered if you went back and read it. If you read other things on the forums (and I know you go to Fishlore) you would also find some info on the vinegar, sugar, vodka experiment someone is doing. I have also mention the fact that some people have experimented with the strips (which I understand are cheaper than the liquids) vs the liquids w/o seeing a significant difference and if you can't afford the liquids they would be better than nothing until Christmas IMO.