They don't readily accept commercially prepared foods, if that is what you mean by 'hard to care for.' I feed mostly live foods to all of my fish, so do not find them any harder to care for than other fish. If you want to feed flake foods mostly, these two fish will not survive.
They both require a steady pH, clean water, and the right sized live foods. The B. badis 2nd generation captive bred are eating freeze dried foods now, so I'm hopeful they can be trained on things like flake foods someday. But there is nothing like live foods to bring a fish into top condition.
The I. crocodilus eat only infusoria, greenwater, and vinegar eels. They go nutzo for vinegar eels, and since they are an aquatic critter, they don't drown and pollute the water if not eaten right away.
They both require a steady pH, clean water, and the right sized live foods. The B. badis 2nd generation captive bred are eating freeze dried foods now, so I'm hopeful they can be trained on things like flake foods someday. But there is nothing like live foods to bring a fish into top condition.
The I. crocodilus eat only infusoria, greenwater, and vinegar eels. They go nutzo for vinegar eels, and since they are an aquatic critter, they don't drown and pollute the water if not eaten right away.