Beginner - My tank test results.

4 danios is a good number but i thought she said she wanted tetras too :/. And also why kill a fish when all you need to do is wait 2 weeks and have your tank ready for fish and probably not even kill one fish. I've never used cycle but i've heard a lot of bad stuff about it :/, but its probably not even available in UK

edit: lol this is turning into one of those post every second threads, maybe its time we set up a chatroom on mft :D


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Balloon Fish said:
edit: lol this is turning into one of those post every second threads, maybe its time we set up a chatroom on mft :D
Maybe that's what the top secret project is ;)

Don't use the cycle stuff. Look in your kitchen where you keep the cleaning products and see if you can find ammonia. If you don't have it already, you can get some at Sainsbury's or ASADA for less than a quid. Just make sure it's pure ammonia with no additives. Shake the bottle and if it suds up, then it's not pure. :)

i wonder if we get a prize if we can guess what the suprise is :D

I was on and i found out they are international, so if you can find seachem stability i would reccomeond it to you, i've used it on my 20g and i haven't lost a single fish except for that one oto that died the day after i got it (not my fault :)) its like $10 a bottle here and probably the safest and second fastest way to cycle a tank in my experience

Chazwick said:
Will do. Pure ammonia, thats all i need? Anything else i need?

PS: I wanted some tetras.. i thought getting a zebra danio with them would be fine.. I also like Ottos and i'm definetly getting an apple snail... I'm not sure. :S
one danio will terrorize the tetras... (in my experience at least) and i would either get a oto or an apple snail and not both if you are gonna get that school of tetras


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Chazwick said:
Will do. Pure ammonia, thats all i need? Anything else i need?

PS: I wanted some tetras.. i thought getting a zebra danio with them would be fine.. I also like Ottos and i'm definetly getting an apple snail... I'm not sure. :S
Pure ammonia and the de-chlorinater (which I think you already bought) is all you need :)

In my NEW lfs (i didn't know it exsisted til earlier where my brother pointed it out) there was a tank with only one BETTA :-( (all the others had been brought) and it looked so lonely, it was kind of pinky/blue and the tank it was in was clean and perfect, so it looked healthy, it was also with several tetras (it was a tank a little smaller than mine) and it looked fine, just swimming around them. I watched them for a while and totally fell in love with the BETTA. Do you think that would be alright, getting the BETTA and tetras?

look heres what i would reccomend for you- 5 danios OR (not AND but OR) tetras and 4 cories (not colorful but i'm sure you will like their personality); 1 betta and a few african dwarf frogs or 5 cories (might have to research if the betta will like the cories); or 5 danios or tetras and 3 otos and one snail. Those reccomendations will put you a little overstocked but it shouldn't be a problem :)

Chazwick said:
In my NEW lfs (i didn't know it exsisted til earlier where my brother pointed it out) there was a tank with only one BETTA :-( (all the others had been brought) and it looked so lonely, it was kind of pinky/blue and the tank it was in was clean and perfect, so it looked healthy, it was also with several tetras (it was a tank a little smaller than mine) and it looked fine, just swimming around them. I watched them for a while and totally fell in love with the BETTA. Do you think that would be alright, getting the BETTA and tetras?
if it looked fine with them then the betta should be a nice one but watch it a little longer and if possible for about a 3 day period (someone might buy it by then unles you know for sure no one will buy him) If everyone seems fine then that should be a nice betta that doesn't really care about the tetras but bettas like to be by themselves and will kill other bettas that are in the tank with them so be careful about choosing their tank buddies


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I agree with balloon fish. and You're on the right track- get the ammonia and you will be fine. nine people out of ten say the product Cycle is just a method of parting you from your money. There are two things that still worry me in your posts- one is that you are a bit too eager to put fish in your tank. Believe me, I understand completely. But you'll be happier in the long run if you wait. The second is that you keep asking specifically when you can get fish in terms of dates- in two weeks, on the weekend, etc. That's not how a cycle works. You can get fish when your nitrates and ammonia peak, and then the ammonia disappears completely. That's when it's safe to put fish in your tank. What you are doing here is establishing a bacterial colony in your tank to take care of the waste.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I wouldn't put four cories in a ten gallon- they are more active than danios and some species can get to a pretty decent size. Personally, in that size of a tank, I woudln't do a betta with tetras either. Bettas are best on their own.

[with seachem stablity i can give you a date]
I only wish i was smart enough to know what that means! :)

ASHLEIGH: Yes - but this BETTA has been with these tetras for a lonnnng time (so the shop keeper says, whom i know well), because it was a different colour to all the other bettas (not as bright) so nobdy wanted it, even though it is perfectly healthy! I just want to give it a good home, but i also want tetras.