biggest thread on this website


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
discus and rays sound absolutely delicious! if i had the cash , i do that.

random announcment: I am adding all my (about 6) guppies to my 20 gallon tonight.

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Oct 3, 2010
Detriot Mi
hey guys i started this youtube devoted to me teaching how to care for fish. Its started good ( i don't like the first one though) . I was wondering achase got me into this idea send me footage of your fishes (that i don't have) just one particular . And i will talk over it and put it on my youtube . I want to do neon tetras next so who ever has those record them eating or swimming in a school. Send them to my e-mail . Heres my youtube ‪FishAreBeast's Channel‬‏ - YouTube - YouTube

In another note how many neon tetras can u fit into a ten gallon

Feb 27, 2009
Depends on the fish.

My fish & feeding schedule (all live in the same tank):

Badis badis - fed twice a week (once frozen bloodworms, once live blackworms)

Indostomus crocodilus - fed once a week (target fed vinegar eels) - They eat infusoria found in tank constantly

Boraras brigittae - fed twice a week (on different days as Badis badis and Indostomus crocodilus, as they will grab a few worms/eels for themselves) - Fed Captain Bob's "Sink or Swim" flakes or granules

Otocinclus affins, O. cocama, O. vittatus - fed three times a week (algae wafers twice, fresh veggies like zucchini, cucumber, sweet potato, kale, seaweed once) - They also eat algae in tank constantly

Carinotetraodon travancoricus - add snails if I don't see any for her to eat. She will also eat bloodworms and blackworms with the Badis badis if she feels like it (once or twice a month usually)

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Oct 15, 2010
Oh, yucky. 3/4 of my microworm cultures are exploding with wormies.

...I guess that is a good thing though...with a ton of betta fry, pleco fry and another pleco spawn on the way they should be eaten pretty fast. lol I hope these new plecos like MWs!!

(and now I can finally get rid of the old smelly one! yesss!!!)

Feb 27, 2009
If you want to grow it on purpose, put some in a bucket with some tank water you are removing during a water change, and set it in a sunny window. It grows like crazy with no water movement.