Okay, there are SOOO many posts, and I've learned a lot already! I have a 40 gallon tank, I cycled it and did everything that I was
told to do to set it up right. I went to several LFS and asked plenty of questions and decided on one privately owned store in town. After a lot of stress about cycling I purchased 2 rainbow sharks ( I know now I'm not supposed to have more than one) 3 tiger
barbs and 3 albino barbs and a moss ball. I had no idea what fish to start with and the lady at the store told me these would be
good. I wanted angel fish but they were out. NOW I have found this forum and have learned SO much, I feel stupid for not
coming here first and learning about fish more. All my fish are doing fine, I have a slight spike in ammonia, but I immediately went to the store and had my water tested by them to make sure I was right, and then I bought some stuff to neutralize the ammonia. I've treated the tank, and I'll keep checking the levels daily but I have two questions. 1- The bottle said that after treating
the tank to neutralize the ammonia that when I test again it would still read ammonia but it wouldn't really be there. How do
I know now what is real with the reading ? and 2- The store told me I could have barbs and angels as long as I got enough
of a school together of the barbs. Angels are the whole reason I got the tank, so any help would great! Thank you all my fish
have already benefited from all your help!