they eat meaty stuff but not so much the algae, they are very cool, there are larger species of nassarius snails, i assume you have the vibex? there are also obsoletus which are bigger, i think there might be another larger species as well.
i bought 5 hermit carbs and one alantic turbo snail, they were all sold out of nassarus snails...but there live rock was really goo di wish i had more money
yeah i think camaro's right, but just keep an eye on it. And if you're lucky, he/she will clean all the algae and then you might be able to get credit for some more suitable snails.
all turbos are from the concern is that it will knock over corals and rockwork and eventually starve to death from lack of algae in such a small system
but i dont get why the guy said that he wouldn't get any bigger, and in the pet store he was in a little 2.5 gallon tank, now i knwo pet store conditions arn't always prime but...
I had turbos and one became big as a hamster
Turbos grow fast when you have a good load of crap.
Maybe the the LFS guy doesn't give a crap...they often do..or doesn't know what he's talking about...happens a lot. Their main goal is to sell you stuff.
hmmm well i will have to trade it in then as soon as it gets too big...but guys are zebra hermit crabs reef safe..they seem to be giving my corals a hard tiem also...what can i do to fix my powerhead it blows around alot of sand and now there is sand on everything?
ok thats good, ya the thing is the powerhead isn't pointed at the sand and now half my bottom is sandlessa nd its sitting on my rocks, so when i get home do you think it would be ok if i moved my lv so it was on the sandless part?
well, you can move your LR to the sandless part but I think you should first figure out how to adjust your powerhead so that it doesn't blow the sand all over...its going to cause problems in the future with your corals and live rock