Coralline disapearing


i use tubes and there only 25 bucks, if it will help the regrowth I dont have a problem replacing them in half the time.

as i said ( i think ) QUOTE - i read, that you should run your actinic light for 24 hours. then turn on ur white light for 15, then when ur up to 1 hour of white light you decrease the actinic to 23 hours, 1 hour white
so basically you ares lowly increasing your white light. the coraline will adjust to it adventually.

and the electricity bill got to go up soon anyways cos the AIR CONDIONER is going on this year. FOR SURE

well bugger me, i actually gave some relivant info, instead of some of the track subject.

I too changed over to 2 more actinics, to try and boost the growth, well whats left of it.

i went and got some more Liverock, with good dark purple coraline on it. 6 pieces of ave size old reef. which are in my sump for the time being, i will see how the olsd stuff goes first before adding it to the reef. there is some small bits of coral on it as well,

I just picked up a 1000lt water tank so i can use a bilge pump to do water changes with. bugger doing 100lt at a time. just drop the hose and bilge in the drink ( ocean ) and suck it up,


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Long term fiddling with your lights isn't a great way to get algae under control as a soem point you are going to try to keep something photosynthetic. Look to nutrient control and grazers for a better fix


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
i made my answer. When you brush the algae with the allow it to separate and follow the current. Therefore, it can attach itself to, rocks, powerheads. The best thing imo to remove it is to stop the powerheads + filters and take it out of the tank with one hand, and grab the remains that would sink with a net.

Well the best thing actuaaly would be to reduce the nitrates since they thrives on that when they're a little bit high.