Could someone help me out?

Alright, so I've been thinking, and the blennies I liked look nothing like the "real" blennies... The blennies I like are the scooter blennies, however, since they are difficult to care for, and I haven't found any real blennies that look like them, I was thinking, instead of a blennie, I like the gobies about the same... Could I keep one of the smaller, easier gobies instead of a blennie?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
gobys are fine... if you go with the sand sifting type you may have to becarful depending on which type since some will take mouthfuls of sand to the top of the tank and spit it out getting sand on all the corals!

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Frogki, as far as RO water goes, if you don't mind hauling 5 gallon. containers from the Supermarket(or Walmart) you can go that route, otherwise you can find a pretty good system to hook up in your house. Ebay has some pretty good ones at reasonable prices.

Alright, cool, I've taken a fancy to the orange spotted goby, and I wonder if he would fit into the mix? Two clown fish, one orange spotted goby? Oh, and about the refugium/sump, can I get one of those going later? And would he require a tiger pistol shrimp? I would like to load this tank up with the cool stuff and I think it will be cool with the mix I've chosen, however, I want it to work right lol... So I know the equipment I will need, here are the animals I would like...: I would like to have the two clowns, the orange spotted goby, the fifteen blue hermits and/ or snails, and possibly a tiger pistol shrimp for the goby...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Orange-spotted gobies are pretty cool. Because you've got the time, make sure you know exactly what you want, and that the store gets those fish at least occasionally. If you get a shrimp goby, don't let the store try to tell you that they'll only go with a shrimp they've paired with and charge you extra.

We have a scooter blenny/dragonet, but he was at the store a long time and eating prepared foods. They're slow eaters, so probably wouldn't go well with clowns (who are pushy pigs).

Alright, thanks, I knew that, which was why I switched to the goby... I can't wait... Tomorrow, I think I'm going to go price my rock and equipment if I can... I'll keep you guys posted! :D Thanks, can't wait to get it set up... Even though they don't need one, I think I'm going to get a pistol shrimp anyway just to see the symbiotic relationship... Little extra work when it comes to feeding, but totally worth it! :D

oh, and btw, I like the percula ones cause they look like the version of clown fish I know of... Are these easy, or hard in terms of clownfish? I like their color pattern so if they are easy I will get them, if not, I'll get an easier yet similar looking one like oclaris... (Don't know how to spell it srry)

Couldn't look for equipment today, plan on looking for it next weekend, or sometime late in the week... Alright, opinion on the clown fish, would the Percula clownfishes be a good choice for a begginer salt water? I like them the best, so I'm asking if they would be good for a begginer salt water?

Going to have Dad's friend help me out with setting this thing up as well, he knows a lot about it... He has two systems set up at home, one reef, one larger, more predatory tank... I don't really know when I'll go looking for the equipment, hopefully sometime later in the week. I'm also going to be getting a couple of books to help with it too, just for refference, or if I forget something, or get stuck... Keep you posted...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
the orange spotted gobie if it is the one I am thinking about is a sand sifting sleeper gobie....they are great fish but tend to be jumpers so make sure you have a tight fitting lid. They are not shrimp gobies and will not pair with a shrimp......I think there are orange spotted shrimp gobies which will pair up.Just make sure you get the right shrimp for the gobie....interesting shrimp gobies are yellow watchman gobies also, fairly common and easy to get.

Alright, thanks Lorna.... I'll keep looking and I'll decide once I'm ready to actually take them home lol... I think I'm getting the orange spotted shrimp gobie, however.... Either him, one of the watchmen, or a pink bar shrimp gobie... IDK right now... Which one do you think would be good for me?

Hello once again! I have a question about a protein skimmer I found on marine depot... I'm not sure if it would be good for my aquarium and I'm not sure if it would be good at all... It's only 39.99 dollars atm and I'm not sure... It's called the Azoo Mignon Skimmer Hang On Back Power Filter, is this a good protein skimmer? If it is I want to buy it, seeing as it would be a key piece of equipment, and if I can buy it now for cheap that would be awesome. Is it a good deal? Here's a link to the product page at marine depot.

Azoo Mignon Skimmer Hang On Back Power Filter

Tell me if it's a good deal...

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Definately not what you want to buy. This will not do much for you except waste electricity. Even a SeaClone 100 would be bettear than this, but I would recommend an AquaC Remora hang on skimmer for your tank. They're a little bit more expensive but you can usually find a good deal on a used one on Ebay.

Alright, thanks, I'm glad you told me that lol, I'll look around at petco... Like I've said, my Dad's friend is like an expert at salt water aquariums, so I'm gonna ask him to help me find my equipment when I go out for it... Thanks, I'll keep you guys updated!

And sadly no, there is no society whatsoever near me... Closest one is in Tampa, and that's miles away... I'm thinking about starting one myself once I get really good, but... LOL... That's one of the reasons I'm here...