Just wanted to clear something up...
YahooFishKeeper said:
lowering the temp a little would help, but it will increase your crays metabolism
I think I know what YFK was trying to get at here.
Water temp. does have a direct impact on a cray's metabolism and, ultimately, its lifespan. However, lower temperatures will actually have the effect of
lowering the cray's metabolism...which lends itself toward the cray eating less, and therefore moulting less frequently---thus helping it to live a longer life.
However, lowering the temp. won't be conducive to keeping most tropical fish species. Furthermore, the effect on the cray's lifespan won't likely be hugely significant. Besides...crays are typically less active (hence less entertaining) in lower temperatures anyway.
As for cray/fish compatibility...
As YFK said,
YahooFishKeeper said:
im not sure. you'd have to find a specific species and read up.
This is why I would recommend getting whatever type of cray you want and just see how things go. No one can accurately predict the possible outcomes ahead of time---there are tons of compatibility issues to consider.
Obviously you will need to be mindful of the fact that the fish you add could get eaten.
Observe things and make a note of who (if any) gets eaten and who doesn't, then tailor the rest of your stocking accordingly.
If, however, you are dead-set on getting a certain type of fish that you absolutely must have and that absolutely must not get eaten by the cray, then perhaps the best bet would be to abandon the cray idea altogether.
Somehow I get the feeling that you won't let the prospect of a few fish losses deter you from getting that cray!
Hope this helps.
Big Vine