Crayfish or Lobster???


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
hey everyone,
i just wanted to tell u i got my pretty sure its a p.alleni or a redclaw...(question about redclaws: are there claws actually red??? cuz if they are then mine isnt one but i noticed a slight red tint to them) is currently in my 55g....not permanantly! just till i get its 10g at has been doing great!!! its eating a lot and not snapping alot! it moulted about a week ago and it is soooo BLUE now lol it has two caves in the tank...i bought a rock with a cave in it especially for him(not sure of sex) but he dug out a cave under my driftwood and mostly uses that cave! lol wasted 15$ but o well i will be putting the rock in his 10g so hell have no choice aha!
but thanks again for all the help!!! : D


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
mibbyblues said:
big Vine,

I want to correct one issue.... I understand that the theory is that if you lower the water temp of the habitat of the crayfish thus slowing the crays metabolism that the thought is you will lengthen the crays life...

Now, that theory may be correct with other species(like NA crays) but it is not with Southern hemispherical crays
Thanks for making that distinction, mibbyblues.
I specifically had N. American crays (which can tolerate much lower temperatures than S. hemispherical crays) in mind when I wrote what I did.


Congratulations on your new cray!
Any chance that you could post pictures?

From what you described, it doesn't sound like it has a strip of red coloration on the outside of each set of claws, right? This rules out a Redclaw male...

I suppose it could be a Redclaw female, but based on your description---which, to me, makes it sound like it is quite a vibrant blue---makes me suspect that it's a P. alleni.

Post some pics and we'll know for sure.

Big Vine


Small Fish
Sep 22, 2006
I agree with Big Vine,

A picture is really needed to make a correct ID.
Also, Big Vine is correct that male Redclaw have the reddish to orange strips on the outside of their claws.
But females do not and also female Redclaw tend to have more slender claws then the males(not always do they have more slender claw but for the most part).


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
o and this was before it molted so the color is waaaay brighter now i will post pics of it soon.....and sorry bout pic quality im not gonna be a photographer!! :p you can kinda see the shell starting to came off in the pic so thats not the camera!!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

Back when Jericho had claws, he was housed in a 3 gallon tank with 4 cherry barbs 'trapped' in there with him. He did eventually manage to eat them all, but it took him a period of months to do so.

Obviously there aren't any guarantees when it comes to housing crays and fish together, but in a larger tank such as the one you have, I would be surprised if your cray (name for him yet?) manages to kill anything before Christmas.

You should start your own cray tank thread! *thumbsups
Oh...and burton...
Hehe...part of the joy in keeping crays is watching them catch and eat their prey.

Big Vine


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
ya i like watching him catch stuff but i dont want it to be my severum or my discus lol
and no, no name yet ive been thinking but nothing awesome comes to mind lol like JERICHO it sound so cool lol
and what do u feed jericho? ive been feeding mine bllodworms is that good?

and i would appreciate some name ideas if anyone has any??!!


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I don't think he'll mess with your severum or discus. If he tries, I'm sure they're plenty big enough to escape.

It's recommended that you feed crays shrimp pellets as a staple food. I use Wardley Shrimp Pellet Formula. The pellets sink to the bottom, and the crays gobble em' up in no time!

The cray will also eat whatever you're feeding the other tank inhabitants if it happens to fall to the bottom of the tank. He'll even eat algae wafers. Basically anything he can get his claws on, he'll eat. Mine routinely gnaw on pieces of driftwood in the tank---probably to get at micro-organisms or something. They'll eat plants too. They scavenge on virtually anything.

My point're not going to have to ever worry about him starving, but you should still feed him a shrimp pellet or two on a daily basis.

By the way, they like vegetables too, so don't be afraid to toss some in there for him. Just make sure it is well-rinsed so that you aren't contaminating your tank with those lovely pesticides and other chemicals that are on them.

I can't think of a name for yours off the top of my head, but I'll tell you how I came up with "Jericho." Basically, I saw him building a 'wall' of gravel when he was first introduced to the tank. I then thought of two things: The "walls of Jericho" and the WWE wrestler, Chris Jericho. LOL

See if you can find a name that goes with some sort of behavior he has if you're really stumped on what to name him.

Big Vine


Large Fish
Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
wow ok i was so worried about him eating lol but i feed him about 2 bloodworm gumdrops a day and he munches on those so i guess he likes em!! and ill be getting some shrimp next time i go to the LFS!!
and my mom was talking about the name sylvester or sly cuz of the sneaky way he moves around the tank but idk about that one i really liked rocky..i thought of that when she said sylvester cuz of sylvester stallone in Rocky and im still thinkin bout that!! and i also like Rocky cuz u know heis so BUFF!!! lol o and pics are still on the way of him after he moulted!!! will post soon!!
thanks big vine!



Large Fish
Feb 14, 2006
crap fish ?

I have a crayfish in my 10 gallon tank. I have 5 zebra danios which do fine. At one point I had 2 crayfish but he was eaten by the other cray. These guys are climbers so cover any wholes that you have on your canapy. They will escape and sometime in the future you may smell a funny order. Give plenty of rocks as the rocks will seem to be in different places every dayad they like to redecorate they living area quite a bit.*PEACE!*