well I did a bunch of water changes today and had a few deaths. this has happened before but it's random. I use the same water from the same taps in my house from 500 feet below ground so i doubt it's the water itself. the temp dropped 1 degree during the water change so that should not have caused any issues. but shortly after the water change one of my cory cats and 4 of my neons died. once i saw one neon i sat there and watched all my fish very closely. i did not see any of the fish acting strange or eratic. just all the sudden they would float to the surface and do a couple kicks and that was the end for them. my cory fought the most but did die after about 5 min. what i truly find odd is these were perfectly healthy fish that died. i've got some very skinny sickly looking neons for some reason but they survived like nothing ever happened. has anyone ever had an issue like this before?