Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
:), thanks again. I trimmed 3 of the stems and added them where some of the other glandulosa stems had started rotting away. I had a ton of floaters preventing a lot of light from coming through, and thus melting a few of my glandulosa stems... so I had to clean them out. I spread out the sunset hygro some more, along with the repens.

I'm getting quite a bit of algae though. It's green dust algae, I believe. It rubs off quite easily. I need to finish tearing down the 29 so I can get my bn pleco in there to clean that up. I'm finally going to go get my timer this weekend as well, no partying or going out drinking this weekend; my friends will be out of town partying, while I'm staying here catching up with school and aquarium stuff! :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Quick update:

Took out the dwarf sag and glosso pieces and replaced them with Echinodorus Tennellus sp. pink. I was experiencing some die-off on my L. Glandulosa, and about 1/3 of it was lost. :( It's recovering nicely though.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Thanks, Brian!

Sorry, I don't have a picture update. So I'm thinking of rescaping this in a few months, possibly in May, after finals, but before I leave for Oklahoma City for my internship :D.

So I've got this one pretty rare plant in here. This picture isn't mine, but it's what it should ideally look like.
Cryptocoryne Cordata Rosanervig
Mine has yellow veining on it instead. I think I need to start dosing micro ferts, and from my readings, it gets its pink coloring in lower light. I'm thinking I may have to start a low-light set up just so I could get to see it in it's full beauty :D.

I added some stems of Pogostemon Stellatus 'Broadleaf' in here until I could get my 29 set up again... well, technically my 29 is still running, there's just some Ludwigia Arcuata and Rotala Indica Colorata in there, with the T5NO fixture on it.... and some (now adult) cherry shrimp that remained there from before (those cherries 'grew up' quickly! in a matter of a couple of weeks! They were only about 1/4" when I couldn't net them out, and now they're adults and the females are saddled)

I'm going to pull out the Hygro Polysperma Green sometime this weekend (i'm hoping) and add the bit of stargrass that hitched it's way into my 20g.

Speaking of grass, I pulled out my dwarf hairgrass and sold it off... that stuff grew quickly, much more quickly than when I had it in eco-complete. There's still some runners left, so I'll probably see some more rapid growth again in a few months.

I want to eventually pull out all the Ludwigia Repens from here as well. For now, however, I'm going to leave this tank as is for the most part, until I can figure out what plants I want to have

I want to save my money to get some T5HOs instead of the PC fixture I have, but that's for sometime in the future. I'm hoping it would help me with getting more light to the bottom of my stems, which are looking pretty ratty around the lower parts. I'm also hoping it would help me bring out the pinks of my E. Tennellus sp. pink. That plant grow pretty quickly! It's mostly green for me atm though.

Mar 10, 2009
You'll definitely need a Python for water changes. It really does help with larger tanks.

Be careful with larger fish in a planted tank. Large plecos and other bottom dwellers can easily destroy your aquascape.

There's nothing wrong with not stocking a tank to the limits; in fact, if somthing like Ike happens again, a lightly stocked tank will do a lot better than one that's heavily stocked.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
You'll definitely need a Python for water changes. It really does help with larger tanks.

Be careful with larger fish in a planted tank. Large plecos and other bottom dwellers can easily destroy your aquascape.

There's nothing wrong with not stocking a tank to the limits; in fact, if somthing like Ike happens again, a lightly stocked tank will do a lot better than one that's heavily stocked.
Deja-vu? I swear I've read these exact words before... I'm so tired and out of it right now, haha.

Very true. My pleco isn't bad about messing up my aquascape, since he tends to stick to the driftwood and walls. My adult german rams however, like to uproot some plants. It's a bit frustrating.

They've left the Elatine Triandra I've added in there for the meantime though. :)

I need to think of how else I could scape this using the same pieces of driftwood I have. I have until late April or early May to do this... or maybe I'll just leave things as they are until I can afford to get some better, stronger lighting... 2.6 wpg isn't working too well for me anymore.

I wanted MH, but they'll run the tank too hot... unless I maybe get a dehumidifer?

Anywho. I'll be away for a week. Another geology field trip for me to go on... yay, field work *cough*and drinking*cough* *SUPERSMIL


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I decided to wait for pictures, but I have a question for any planted gurus out there.

I'm going to be out of town this summer for a total of 12 weeks this summer, in two 6 week increments. I'm trying to plan ahead as far as fert dosing goes. I know my dad won't do any water changes for me, so I'll have to do one when I get into town mid-summer, and then resume them once I return again. I can get my dad to do top-offs, since it doesn't take much effort... I'll just leave some gallons of water treated with Prime for that purpose.

The only things my tank really needs dosing of is Potassium and Iron. Nitrates, I've only had to dose once a week, after water changes. I'm trying to keep them at around 10ppm. They're around 5ppm from the tap, and tend to stay there. I like to have them around 10ppm in case my fast growers decide to really take off, and suck up the nutrients. I'm hoping that the fish feedings are enough to keep these up.

Phosphates and micros I only dose once a week. So I can mix up 6 bottles for my dad to add to the tank once a week.

I'm toying with the idea of having an auto-dosing "system" which is gravity fed. I'm thinking of mixing up 6 weeks worth of very diluted Potassium and Iron. What I'm thinking is drilling a hole at the bottom of a 4 liter or so container for each, and attempting to see if I can control the flow to around 1 drop/minute, 24 hour feed.

I've read that these solutions can get all "funky" if mixed for longer than 2 weeks, is this true? I had a bottle of iron I mixed up, that I had standing by for about 2 months, and nothing funny happened with it.

Anyone has any suggestions to how I can keep auto-dosing ferts while I'm out? I'd mix a bottle of for each day for my dad to add, but that'd be 42 bottles, and since his stroke a few years ago, he's been pretty forgetful...

BTW, my photoperiod is currently 8 hours. Would it also be wise to lower it to 6 or less hours while I'm out?


Also thought I'd add a list of my plants, and see if anyone thinks I'd return to a ridiculously overgrown tank that chokes out other plants or possibly my fish.

Hygro Augustifolia
Wisteria (? Was a mystery plant that came with some other plants I got on another forum)
Echinodorus Tenellus Micro
Ludwigia Glandulosa
Ludwigia Repens
Rotala Macandra
Cryptocoryne Cordata Rosanervig
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Bronze,
Cryptocoryne ??? (A green crypt that resembles Crypt Parva, guy at LFS couldn't remember the name, but said it was a hybrid)
Cryptocoryne ??? (Resembles Crypt Wendtii Bronze a bit, but it's much smaller, and doesn't appear to be growing bigger)
Blyxa Japonica
Heteranthera zosterifolia (star grass)
Hemianthus Micranthemoides (pearl weed)
Anubias Nana
Anubias Nana petite
Cabomba Caroliniana (? Not too sure as to what type of Cabomba, it's one of the green ones)
Dwarf Sag
Needle Leaf Java Fern

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Eh, so I solved my own problem... I ordered about 50 bottles from the container store and I'll be picking them up on Friday. I'll just leave the ferts pre-mixed for the old-man to add when he feeds my fish. If a day is missed, no problem. I'm going to lower my photoperiod to 6 hours max, and leave diluted fert mixtures. Hopefully enough so my plants won't get stunted and suffer deficiencies, but hopefully not so strong that they add up and I have a bad algae outbreak...

I did the math and stuff, so I'm going to have to mix up my solutions in 1 gallon bottles... My Fe mixture will be good enough to last me at least 125 days. My K will last me roughly 100 days.

I'll take a photo once things have filled in more.


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
I say go for it e-man. i have no knowledge of plants and how it all works but you do. every time you post the changes you have made to your tanks is inspiring and leaves me wanting to see the next change you make. your tanks are aways an awesome sight and needs no input from me. so instead of using my imagination just post the pics when you are done, i'm sure they will be worth the wait.


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Whoa, cool link! I've just been doing sketches on paper and in Photoshop. That's a lot easier though. Looks like a cool layout especially if you're going to be placing your driftwood the way I think you are.