Every Ones Favorite Cichlid?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
discus and blue rams are cool.i like a lot of the geophagus group.
what's up on that red empress?they seem boring as all get out.do they get better color as they get older cause we got a whole tank at work and there aint no red to 'em.kinda young still though


Small Fish
Apr 4, 2003
Visit site
well i have kept most cichlids over 20 years and i must say my fave has to be Nimbochromis Linni
closely followed by livingstonii and polystigma
but my all time fave fish is the redtailed catfish that i got as a baby and grew to just under 4 feet long
sadly she is no longer with us as there was a major accident with the tank she was in i walked her up and down the tank for 6 hours trying to save her but it didnt help as she died shortly after i stopped (the peruno cat in with her got an intestine problem and its gut expanded and split the fish wide open in the tank thus poisoning the tank ) and yes i cried at the loss of her
my fave tetra is the rummynosed tetra btw

Heh heh no problem, Commissar. And don't take my rant on grammer personally, either. Like I said, everyone feels like stepping on the old table and waving their baggage around... makes them feel better about what they believe in ;)

Which is ludicrous, really, to need to feel better about what is good for us by inflicting it on others (laughs). I'm such a hypocrit.